Title Load table FEBEXTTRN with text data. Purpose To fill an text table to be associated with each external transactioncode. Integration This table might be used in customer reporting associated with eitherexternally provided bank transaction data, the internal bank databuffer, or a report such as RFEBSTMTTOOL which will analyze thecontent of an delivered (BAI format bank statement) data file. Prerequisites A semi-colon-delimited data file is required for this report. It isparsed in columns according to the structure of the table FEBEXTTRN: vgtypext - The transaction standard grouping name. It may or may notrepresent the VGTYPE commonly given to bank statment configuration. Anumber of VGType groups may utilize the same text decoding typeVGTYPEXT. exttxn - External transaction code given by the bank statement file group1 - An additional text description or sorting variable. group2 - An additional text description or sorting variable. ltext - The long text description recognized by the format standard orthe bank. lcomment - An additional comment text stored per transaction Example BAI;100;CR;Summary;Total credit;Summary and Detail Credits Features |