SAP Program RFEBESCSB00 - Bank statement Spain - conversion to MultiCash format

You use this program to convert electronic bank statements in formatsCSB57 (payment lots) or CSB19.2 (return lots) into MultiCash format. Ifyou use Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA), you canalso have the program transfer the data to FI-CA for payment lot andreturn lot processing.
The program is for use in Spain only.

If you have any special requirements regarding the program, you canadapt it by creating an implementation for its Business Add-In (BAdI)FI_BSTM_MC_EXIT. The BAdI has three methods:

  • MODIFY_MAPPING (modifies the mapping to MultiCash format)

  • PROCESS_MC_FILES (further processing of MultiCash files)

  • LIST_DOUBLE_CLICK (double-click event on the display list)

  • In addition, if you want to use the program with FI-CA, you must make anumber of Customizing settings, for more information on which seeActivities below.

    The program reads the CSB electronic bank statement file either fromyour PC (hard or floppy disk) or from a file system, and generates twofiles in MultiCash format: a statement file and a line item file. Thestatement file contains general data relating to the bank statement (forexample, the statement number, the total debit amount, the total creditamount, the currency, and the bank account number), and the line itemfile contains information about the individual transactions.
    Once the program has converted the statement into MultiCash format, itautomatically transfers it to FI-CA, if you require (set the FurtherProcessing indicator). There, it is processed by the Data Transferfrom FI Bank Statement to Payment/Returns Lot program (RFKKKA00).

    As well as generating the two files, the program displays two lists:

    • List of customers that want to pay by direct debit in future

    • If a customer decides that it wants to change its payment method todirect debit, it provides the bank with all the information (forexample, its account details) that your company will need to be able todraw on the customer's account. The bank passes this information on toyou in the electronic bank statement, in format CSB57. The programdisplays a list of all these customers sio that you can change theirpayment details accordingly.
      • List of records with negative amounts

      • Sometimes, payments are reversed, for example, if a clerk posts apayment wrongly, reverses it, and then posts it correctly. The systemrecords these as three separate transactions, and they are displayedaccordingly on the electronic bank statement. The program displays alist of all transactions with negative amounts. Payment reversals ofthis type can be indicated in the same file format CSB57.

        To use the program to transfer the data to FI-CA, you have to configureyour system as described in the following.

        Create Transaction Codes
        Create a copy of transaction code FPB7, and call the new transactioncode ZFPB17.
        Assign the new transaction code to program RFKKKA00, screen 1000.
        Save and activate the new transaction code.
        Call up transaction ZFPB17 to load the MultiCash files.
        RESET N1

        Customizing for Electronic Bank Statement
        In Customizing for FI, choose Bank Accounting -> BusinessTransactions -> Payment Transactions -> Electronic BankStatement -> Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement.

        Enter the following external business transactions:
        Purpose,,Ext. trans,,+/-,,Int. algorithm
        Credit for CSB57 in pesetas,,20,,+,,001: Standard algorithm
        Debit for CSB57 in pesetas,,20-,,-,,001: Standard algorithm
        Credit for CSB57 in euros,,70,,+,,001: Standard algorithm
        Debit for CSB57 in euros,,70-,,-,,001: Standard algorithm
        Notification of insufficient funds for CSB 19.2 in pesetas and euros,,90
        ,,-,,001: Standard algorithm
        If you expect the incoming electronic bank statements to containnegative amounts and you want to post them, make sure that you maintainthe external transactions for positive and negative amounts.
        Assign the transaction type to the bank accounts that are affected.
        In the case of format CSB57, assign it to the first four digits of thehouse bank key, but do not enter the bank account number.
        RESET N1

        Customizing for FI-CA (Incoming Payments)
        In Customizing for FI, work through the following activities underContract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> BusinessTransactions -> Payments -> Incoming/Outgoing Payment Processing...
        -> Define Clarification Account.
        -> Define Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots.
        -> Define Transactions for Electronic Bank Statement Transfer.
        Enter the external transaction code from the electronic bank statementand classify it as a payment or return.
        -> Define Interpretation Rules for Note to Payee.
        For CSB57, you need category 1 (document number). Define a structurewith the length according to your FI-CA invoice document number, and theminimum/maximum value. Then assign the selection categories, using B fordocument number.
        RESET N1

        Customizing for FI-CA (Returns)
        In Customizing for FI, work through the following activities underContract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> BusinessTransactions -> Returns ...
        -> Configure Internal Returns Reasons
        Map the returns activities and charges.
        -> Assign Return Reasons to House Banks
        Assign the banks' return reasons to your own returns reasons.
        -> Define Bank Clearing Account for Returns Lot
        -> Define Accounts for Returns
        Enter an account for charges arising from returns.
        -> Define Transactions for Electronic Bank Statement Transfer
        RESET N1

        Customizing for FI-CA (Activation of Additional Function Modules)
        In Customizing for FI, choose Contract Accounts Receivable andPayable -> Program Enhancements -> DefineCustomer-Specific Function Modules, and enter the following functionmodules in the corresponding events as follows:

        • Event 0950

        • Add function module FKK_SAMPLE_0950, which implements the customizableinterpretation of note to payee for payment lots.
          • Event 0954

          • In the case of CSB57, the bank file does not provide enough informationto identify the house bank clearing account, so create an additionalfunction module to feed the bank clearing account and the company code.We recommend that you make a copy of the sample function moduleFKK_SAMPLE_0954, and implement source code such as:
            move '0000572001' to C_BFKKZK-BVRKO.
            move 'ES01' to C_BRKKZK-BUKRS.
            Then enter the function module in the event's Customizing.
            • Event 0960

            • Enter function module FKK_SELECTIONS_REFUSAL_0960, which extracts theFI-CA document number from notes to payees for return lots.
              • Event 0963

              • Enter function module FKK_BSTM_RETURN_REASON_0963, which extracts housebanks' return reasons from notes to payees for return lots.

106121Electronic bank statement formats