DEFINE &MULTIC_REP& = 'RFEBKA00'Description Program RFEBDK00 converts bank statements from Denmark into Multicashformat. The following services are supported:
- UDDATA,,Giro bank
- 0602 ,,PBS
The program reads input data from the PC or the file system, andcreates two files in Multicash format. The statement file>contains information on the statements (statement number, old balance,new balance, currency, bank account number, ..). The line item>file contains the individual cash transactions from a statement. Toimport the created Multicash files, use the standard program RFEBKA00.For more information see the program documentation. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. Import Bank Statement: Multicash, SWIFT_MT940>. ENDIF.Note on Configuration Program RFEBDK00 uses the standard configuration from the electronicbank statements. For more information on configuring the electronicbank statements see the Implementation Guide. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. Specifications for the electronic bankstatement> ENDIF. Allocating banks to transaction types> By using transaction types that you can freely define, you can grouptogether bank accounts in which the same external transactions aremade. To do this, you must allocate a transaction type to each housebank account. This bundling enables you to reduce the number of entriesin the "allocate external transactions to internal transactions"table. House bank and house bank accounts> You can only define a bank account in a company code. You must specifythe bank account currency, since certain banks use the same bankaccount number and only the curreny key differentiates these accounts.The G/L account to be posted to must also be defined for each bankaccount. Creating the Multicash files> The Multicash files cannot be created in the following instances:
- The bank account number on the data medium cannot be uniquely allocated
to a house bank.
- The calculated total digits do not match the file's total digits.
- The posting simulation determines that the configuration has not been
completely maintained. The posting simulation provides a list of thetransactions to be maintained and the type of maintenance required. Posting currency> The posting currency in a statement is determined as follows. If the house bank account currency code is maintained (fieldT012K-WAERS), the system specifies the currency code as the postingcurrency. Otherwise, the ISO code for Danish krone (DKK) is used as thetransaction currency. RESET N1Explanation of the functional procedure Taxes and G/L account configuration> The external transaction for taxes should be allocated (tax code "<")to a tax account. The system then posts the tax directly to the taxaccount. You must define the G/L account, to which the cost transactionis allocated, as not tax-relevant. Accessing the Multicash program &MULTIC-REP&> To process the data in the system, use the Multicash programMultic-rep after you have converted the input data, and maintain avariant whose name you enter on the selection screen. When program &MULTIC_REP& is called up, the system automatically fillsthe following parameters with the current values. Thus, you do not haveto maintain these parameters when you define the variant.
- Statement file
- Line item file
- "M" format
- PC upload