SAP Program RFEBCK00 - Cashed Checks

Program RFEBCK00 imports data on cashed checks delivered by the bank.In the case of prenumbered checks, this program distinguishes payrollaccounting checks from other checks.
Payroll accounting checks
All payroll accounting checks identified as such from the check numberin the file, and which have neither been voided or cashed, are markedas "cashed".
For those checks that have already been voided or cashed, the systemoutputs a message to this effect.
The system groups payroll accounting checks according to the following
criteria in the check register:

  • Identification

  • Date of posting

  • Business area

  • Currency

  • Checks grouped according to this criteria are then listed with theircheck numbers.
    Each group can now be compressed and the totals posted on account(clearing account to bank account) if you set the indicator "Postpayroll accounting checks" on the selection screen.
    If the posting is successful, the system stores the document number ofthe posting in the check register for each check relating to thecompressed posting. This enables you to determine which checks wereposted together as a document.
    The system displays the date the posting was carried out and theidentification in the field "allocation number".
    If you do not set the indicator "Post payroll accounting checks", thesystem does not carry out any postings, and the total amount and thecurrency of the totals posting is included in the list. You will thenneed to carry out the posting manually.
    If you want to post payroll accounting checks, make sure that youalways set the indicator "Post immediately".
    Other checks
    For these checks, program RFEBCK00 creates clearing postings (outgoingcheck account to bank account) and marks the checks that could besuccessfully posted as "cashed" in the check register.
    The clearing postings can be placed in a batch input file (batch inputmode) or be posted immediately (call transaction mode).
    General information
    Since there is no standard for data on cashed checks in the USA andmost other countries, a preprocessing program is needed to convert thebank format to the entry format of this program. The entry format ofthis program consists of two record types: header records (CHECK_HEAD)and memo records (CHECK_REC).
    • A header record (CHECK_HEAD) is necessary for each bank account to
    • which checks can be debited. The bank key (bank number) and bankaccount are in this record type. The house bank table is read usingthis information to determine the company code and the G/L account forthe bank.
      • A memo record is necessary for each check (CHECK_REC).

      • The CHECK_HEAD and CHECK_REC structures are defined in the DataDictionary.
        Batch input mode:
        If no errors occur, the report creates a batch input session whose nameends with '-OK'. If errors occur, a session is generated witherror-free posting records and one with incorrect posting records. Thesession with incorrect posting records is then generated if the amountof the bank check file does not correspond to the amount in the paymentdocument in the SAP System. The name of the incorrect session alwaysends with '-ERR'.
        The following scenarios can occur:
        • Document found (PAYR and BKPF), document not yet cleared, amounts
        • correspond.
          Result: Update in PAYR, FB05 posting record in error-free session.
          • Document found (PAYR and BKPF), document not yet cleared, amounts do
          • not correspond.
            Result: No update in PAYR, FB05 posting record in session with errors,message in processing log.
            In this case, the check must be marked as "paid" in table PAYR aftersuccessful processing of the batch input session with transaction"FCH6".
            • Case: Document found (PAYR and BKPF), check already paid according to
            • PAYR.
              Result: No update in PAYR, no batch input, message in processing log.
              • Case: Document found (PAYR and BKPF), check not yet paid according to
              • PAYR, document already cleared in BSEG.
                Result: Update in PAYR, no batch input, message in processing log.
                Call transaction mode:
                This mode functions similarly to batch input mode, the difference beingthat all error-free postings are carried out immediately. Incorrectpostings are collected in a batch input session. The session nameconsists of the program parameter and "-ERR" for error.


                • Before using this program for the first time, you must write a simple
                • program which converts the record layout of the bank data into thestructure of this program. The structure of the input file needs to beline by line, meaning that the data records must be separated by theparagraph break character <(><<)>CR><(><<)>LF> (=carriage return, linefeed).
                  • The file can be imported from the UNIX file system or from a disk. If
                  • it is imported from a disk, the drive name must be specified before thefile name (for example: A:CHECK.TXT). The corresponding field on theinitial screen must also be selected.
                    • The bank at which the checks were cashed must be maintained in the
                    • house bank table under Customizing for Financial Accounting and youmust specify the G/L account for this.
                      INCLUDE FUNKTION_AUSFÜHREN
                      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                      • The clearing account to which the payroll accounting check totals are
                      • posted must be defined in the bank selection in the Customizingsettings for the payment program. You need to maintain an appropriateG/L account as bank subaccount for the company code, house bank, housebank account, the currency and the payment method used.
                        INCLUDE FUNKTION_AUSFÜHREN
                        IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                        END IF

                        The following is output:

                        • Log of the data records imported

                        • Processing log (summarized or detailed)

                        • Posting log