DEFINE &MULTIC_REP& = 'RFEBKA00'Description The RFEBBE00 program converts the Belgian bank statement CODA formatinto the MultiCash format. The program imports a CODA file from a PC (hard or floppy disk) or froma file system. It generates two MultiCash files. The statement file > contains data on the statements (statement number, old balance, newbalance, currency, bank account number, etc.), and the line itemfile> contains the individual statement transactions. You should usethe standard &MULTIC_REP& program for importing the MultiCash filesgenerated. See the program documentation for more information on thisprogram. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. Import bank statement: MultiCash, SWIFT_MT940>. ENDIF.Configuration notes This program uses the standard configuration of the electronic bankstatements. See the Implementation Guide for more information onconfiguring the electronic bank statements. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. Electronic bank statement specifications> ENDIF. Allocate banks> You must allocate all bank accounts to a transaction type. Each bankaccount to which (external) transactions are posted differently must beallocated to a separate transaction type. If there are only certaintransactions that must be posted differently, you can use the parameter"External transaction with log number". House bank und house bank accounts> A bank account may only be defined in one company code. You have todefine the bank account currency since some banks use the same bankaccount numbers and only the currency key differentiates theseaccounts. You must also define the G/L account for a bank account. Unique bank account ID> A bank account in CODA format consists of two parts:
- Bank account number
- Internal bank account ID
If the bank account number cannot clearly identify an account, then theinternal ID is used as the identification criterion. The internalaccount ID is the currency code for some banks, and for other banks thiID is numeric. The "Alternative account number" field in table T012K(field BNKN2) is used for identifying the accounts with an identicalbank acount number. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. Alternative bank account number> ENDIF. Example:> ("_" character implies a blank) PROTECT RESET N2 Accounts with identical bank account number and internal currency keyID Bank account ,,Internal ID ,,T012K-BNKN2 ,,T012K-BANKN 123-4567890-02 ,,_BEF ,,,,123-4567890-02BEF ,,123-4567890-02 123-4567890-02 ,,_USD ,,,,123-4567890-02USD ,,123-4567890-02 ENDPROTECT PROTECT Accounts with unique bank account number Bank account ,,Internal ,,T012K-BNKN2 ,,T012K-BANKN ,,,,ID 123-4567891-03 ,,_BEF ,,_ ,,,,123-4567891-03 123-4567892-04 ,,____ ,,_ ,,,,123-4567892-04 123-4567893-05 ,,0000 ,,_ ,,,,123-4567893-05 ENDPROTECT PROTECT Account with identical bank account number and numeric internal ID Bank account ,,Internal,,T012K-BNKN2 ,,T012K-BANKN ,,,,ID 123-4567894-06 ,,0000 ,,123-4567894-060000 ,,123-4567894-06 123-4567894-06 ,,0119 ,,123-4567894-060119 ,,123-4567894-06 ENDPROTECT Allocate banks to transaction types> The characteristic that an account is clearly identified (table T012K)is used together with the bank key to allocate an account to atransaction type. Example:> If the accounts from the previous example have the same bank key "123", the following transaction types are allocated: PROTECT Bank ,, Internal ,,Bank ,,Bank account ,,Trans. account ,, ID ,,key ,,(T028G) ,,type 123-4567890-02 ,,_BEF ,,123 ,,123-4567890-02BEF ,,BE 123-4567890-02 ,,_USD ,,123 ,,123-4567890-02USD ,,BE 123-4567891-03 ,,_BEF ,,123 ,,123-4567891-03___ ,,XZ 123-4567892-04 ,,____ ,,123 ,,123-4567892-04___ ,,ZZ 123-4567893-05 ,,0000 ,,123 ,,123-4567893-05___ ,,XZ 123-4567894-06 ,,0000 ,,123 ,,123-4567894-060000,,BE 123-4567894-06 ,,0119 ,,123 ,,123-4567894-060119,,XZ ENDPROTECT RESET N2 Generating MultiCash files> MultiCash files are not generated if the system cannot clearly allocatethe bank account number to a house bank, and are also not generated ifthe bank account ID within the Allocate banks> configuration doesnot correspond to the bank account ID in the house bank files. (Thebank key is required). The conversion does not take place if errors occur in the CODA file. Possible errors:
- Record 1 and / or 8 do not exist.
- Calculated closing balance does not correspond to closing balance in
record 8.
- The item "0000" is missing for record 2, part 1. The amount and the
external transaction is missing for this transaction.
- The posting simulation determines that the configuration was not
completely maintained. The posting simulation delivers a list of thetransactions to be maintained as a setting and the type of maintenanceneeded. Numerical identification of the currency key in the CODA file> Some banks deliver a numeric currency key. In these cases, thealternative currency key must be numeric in the currency keyconfiguration. Example:> The currency key BEF has the numeric currency key 000. You must enter000 as an alternative key. Posting currency> The posting currency of a statement is determined as follows:
- Case 1:
The currency in the CODA file ("Internal ID" field) either exists as anISO currency code, or as an alternative numeric ID.
- Case 2:
If case 1 is not successful and the house bank currency code ismaintained (field T012K-WAERS), the currency code is determined as theposting currency.
- Case 3:
If case 1 and 2 are not successful, the company code currency is takenas the currency. Compressing posting transactions and posting details> The compression function cannot be used in conjunction with the "Postdetails" parameter. Posting details and clearing entries> If you select "Post details", you cannot select a posting type withclearing for external transactions with details in area 1. For externaltransactions that have never had details, you can select a posting withclearing as the posting type in area 1. RESET N1Explanation of the functional process Bank log number and external transaction> Since each Belgian bank has its own log number, and certain (external)transactions have their own contents, the system reads the table whichconverts external transactions into internal ones twice; once with theexternal transaction and the bank log number, and once with theexternal transaction. Example> External transaction: 0150000, Bank log number: 999
- Table read first time: XX 0150000999 (XX identifies the bank account
number internally)
- Table read second time: XX 0150000
If the system completes the first reading successfully, this value istransferred to the converted file (015000999 in the example), otherwisethe value from the second reading is used (0150000). This option allows you to differentiate only external transactions inwhich multiple banks have allocated different contents to the sametransaction. This parameter has no affect on the detail posting items. Structured messages> Structured messages 101, 102 and 103 are transferred as structuredmessages. The other structured messages are transferred into MultiCashas non-structured messages. If you select "Structured message is document number", the first 10digits of the number are transferred. If you have not selected theparameter, the entire number (12 digits) is transferred. This number is a selection criterion for open items in the MultiCashprogram. With MultiCash, you can control whether this number is adocument number (value BELNR) or a reference document number (valueXBLNR). This reference data is used in order to clear customer invoices on thebasis of a reference number. MultiCash user exit and posting taxes with more than one offsettingentry> The standard posting interface allows only two line items for eachdocument (if not compressed). In the CODA file, several detail linesare delivered for specific transactions. You can post these details byusing the "Post details" parameter. Example>: Bank transfer abroad, bank account amount: 101,205 Details of this amount: Payment 100,000 BEF Charges 1,000 BEF Taxes 205 BEF If you do not select the parameter, the posting is as follows in area1: Debit : Foreign payments 101,205 Credit : Bank 101,205- If you do select the parameter (and the requirements have been met),the posting is as follows: Debit : Foreign payments 100,000 Debit : Bank charges 1,000 Debit : Taxes 205 Credit : Bank 101,205-Requirements "Post details" parameter is set. "Tax code for bank charges" parameter contains a valid tax code. The tax code must be valid for all company codes of a CODA file. User exit FEB00001 from program RFEBKA00 must always be activated andcontain the following: Program ZXF01U01 : DATA : HLP_CNT(3) TYPE P. CLEAR T_FEBCL. DESCRIBE TABLE T_FEBCL LINES HLP_CNT. READ TABLE T_FEBCL INDEX HLP_CNT. LOOP AT T_FEBRE. IF T_FEBRE-VWEZW = 'BE-BE-DETAIL'. T_FEBCL-KUKEY = T_FEBRE-KUKEY. T_FEBCL-ESNUM = T_FEBRE-ESNUM. T_FEBCL-CSNUM = T_FEBCL-CSNUM + 1. T_FEBCL-SELFD = 'FB'. T_FEBCL-SELVON = 'FEB_1_CODA_SPLIT_VAT'. APPEND T_FEBCL. T_FEBCL-CSNUM = T_FEBCL-CSNUM + 1. T_FEBCL-SELVON = 'FEB_2_CODA_GROSS'. APPEND T_FEBCL. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. I_FEBEP-BUDAT = I_FEBEP-VALUT I_FEBEP-KFMOD(3) = I_FEBEP-PAKTO(3) I_FEBEP-KFMOD+3(7) = I_FEBEP-PAKTO+4(7) E_FEBEP = I_FEBEP. E_FEBKO = I_FEBKO. 1 need only appear in the Include if you must post on the value date not the posting date. 2 can be used if you need to assign internal or external transfers to particular posting accounts. In symbol configuration, you can assign a symbol + bank-business partner to a particular account number. As of 3.0D, the user exit parameter in the MultiCash program is setautomatically. The posting area of the internal transaction is "1". The posting type for posting area "1" must not be a clearing procedure. Configuration Requirements> The posting details are transferred into the MultiCash file as postingtext. For each detail, there is a line on the bank statement with thefollowing format: AAAAAAA/999.999.999.999-/BB AAAAAAA : the external transaction /999.999.999.999-: amount details of the external transaction "AAAAAAA" /BB : tax code for bank charges These details are identified with the text "BE-BE-DETAIL" on the bankstatement list of the MultiCash program. Example:> External transaction for the total amount: 3001000, amount 101,205 Details: BE-BE-DETAIL 3001011/ 205-/V3 3001012/ 1,000-/V3 3001100/ 100,000-/V3 The external transactions of the details (3001011, 3001012, 3001100)and the external transaction of the total amount (3001000) must beproperly configured. If the external transaction of the total amount (3001000) does notexist, the system does not post. If the external transaction of the total amount exists and one of theexternal transactions of the details does not, the system posts as ifthere are no details. If the external transaction of the total amount exists and all externaltransactions (in the example 3001011, 3001012 and 3001100) are alsoconfigured, the system generates a posting with several line items ifthe debit and credit total agrees with the total amount. Posting Details and Clearing in Area 2> In the example, 100,000 is paid, but a bank transaction of 101,205occurs. In area 2, 101,205 is cleared. This amount generates a debitwhich is not the same as the credit in the foreign payments account anda clearing amount too high in the vendor account. Using the parameter"Clear with net amount or transfer amount", you can correct thisposting amount. The clearing amount is noted on the bank statement list(of the MultiCash program) with the text "GROSS". In the example, thenet amount is 101,205 (the transaction amount on the bank account), andthe transfer amount is 100,000. See the field documentation for moreinformation. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN' Clearing with bank transfer amount> Code for bank transfer amount> ENDIF. Taxes and Configuring G/L Accounts> You should allocate the external transaction for taxes to a tax account(tax code "<" ). The system then posts the taxes directly to the taxaccount. You must define the G/L account that is allocated to the costtransaction, as not relevant to taxes. Postings and Foreign Currencies> Bank statement postings are always in the statement currency (of thebank account). Foreign currency transaction information is not posted.The statement currency is determined by the account number details inthe CODA file. If the account number details are not delivered, housebank account currency key is transferred. Otherwise the company codecurrency is used. Calling Up the MultiCash Program &MULTIC_REP&> Since program RFEBBE00 only converts a CODA file into MultiCash format,you must run the MultiCash program (&MULTIC_REP&) after the conversion. If you create a variant for &MULTIC_REP& and enter the parameter withthe same name, program &MULTIC_REP& is started automatically. You do not have to maintain the following parameters in theMultic_rep variant. they are automatically transferred to theprogram:
- Statement file
- Line item file
- Format "M"
If you do not create a variant for the MultiCash program, programMultic_rep is called up but not started. If you select "Post details", you must set the user exit in theMultiCash program variant. If you do not select "Post details", you can decide whether to set theuser exit parameter of the MultiCash program. The "Post details" parameter only works if a batch input session isgenerated. Use of the User Exit FEB000002 so that References from Record 3 inthe Coda file are Read> The procedure is similar to that for FEB000001. You must activate theuser exit and select the "User Exit" parameter in the Belgian program. The user exit can look as follows: LOOP AT T_C31. IF T_C31-CODIF = '1' AND ( IF T_C31-COMM1(3) = '001' OR T_C31-COMM1(3) = '002' ). T_VWZ = T_C31-COMM1+3. APPEND T_VWZ. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. E_AGKTO = I_AGKTO. E_AGBNK = I_AGBNK.