Description The report is used to create the customer information system. It isresponsible for data retrieval. The data volume to be retrieved isdetermined for every evaluation view via a selection variant. TheReport RFDRRGEN, started in batch, calls up the data. The selected datarecords are transferred to the reports in order to create differentevaluations. Precondition The following requirements must be met: You have defined a selection variant and stored it. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF You have determined which evaluation views require you to createevaluations. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF The number of times the report is called up depends on how manyevaluation views require evaluations.Output A detailed generating log is created per evaluation view and stored inthe spool system. It contains information such as which evaluations areto be created within an evaluation view. Furthermore, the number of theread data records and their transfer to individual analysis reportsis logged. |