SAP Program RFDOPR20 - Customer Payment History

Program RFDOPR20 enables you to carry out a detailed analysis of thepayment history of customers. It also contains a forecast of paymentvolumes and payment arrears, based on the existing payment history.

Information on the payment history of a customer is only stored in thesystem if you select the field Rec.pmnt.hist. in the companycode-dependent area of the customer master record.

The following information on the payment history is displayed:

  • Customer type

  • Using as a parameter the payment volume in the periods underconsideration, the system determines whether the customer in questionis generally a net payer or a cash discount payer.
    The type of customer is determined as follows:
    If the customer usually utilizes the full payment period withoutclaiming a cash discount deduction, he is a net payer.
    If the customer usually pays in time to claim a cash discount deduction,he is a cash discount payer.
    • Arrears in days

    • The average days in arrears are determined as follows: Every incomingpayment in the periods concerned is multiplied by its days in arrears.These amounts are added together and then divided by the total amountfrom all the incoming payments. This process ensures that the days inarrears are weighted by the payment amount.
      • Forecast for arrears in the next period

      • This forecast is based on the customer type that the system determinedand attempts to make a forecast for the arrears in the subsequentperiod based on the payment volume data and the total resulting fromthe above mentioned calculation involving the payment and days inarrears. In this case, only data from the chosen periods is used.
        To make this forecast, the system carries out separate forecasts forthe payment volume and the total described above, and then determinesthe number of days in arrears by division.
        Linear, logarithmic, exponential and potential models are used for theforecast, the optimal model being chosen in each case.
        By choosing the menu option "Forecast" you can display moreinformation, such as:
        Payment volume in the periods under consideration
        Trend for days in arrears (gradient of the curve for the days inarrears, based on the forecast value for the subsequent period)
        Specifications on how the forecast was created (including a forecastfor the payment volume in the subsequent period)
        For the information described above, the entries for "Number ofperiods" and "With current period" are important. The "number ofperiods" determines how many periods are to be taken into account inthe calculations (these are always the most recent periods). Thecurrent period, which is only taken into account if the checkbox "Withcurrent period" is marked, is an exception. If the current period isincluded, it distorts the forecast, if it contains postings which arenot complete.
        Further information offered by the program includes:
        • Volume of open items

        • Breakdown of number of payments, payment volume and arrears by period,
        • where the last values are both subdivided into payments with cashdiscount or net payments. In these cases, the days in arrears aredetermined by weighting the amounts by the volume of the payment inquestion. You can display the results as a bar chart by selecting themenu option "Graphic".

549830RFDOPR20:Incorrect OI-volume with non-calendar fiscal year