SAP Program RFDKLI41_NACC - Credit Master Sheet

Credit Master Sheet

The credit master sheet is used to display and print the customermaster data of an individual account, which is needed in the area ofcredit management. It can thus be used for information anddocumentation.

You can also call up this function in the Accounts Receivable menu fromthe line item display or the account analysis.

You can generate the credit master sheet per customer in one creditcontrol area.
The credit master sheet displays the following customer information:

  • Address data and communication data from the customer master

  • All important fields from the credit management master (customer credit
  • data)
    • Total of the open deliveries, orders and billing documents

    • Credit management central data: The current defined credit limit, upper
    • and lower credit limits, currency, and the date of the last customerinformation.
      • Payment history on a control area level

      • Balance in every company code belonging to the control area

      • Days in arrears of the open items in all company codes belonging to the
      • control area.
        These days in arrears are displayed as intervals which you enter in theselection criteria. You define the days in arrears intervals inCustomizing for Credit Management (Accounts Receivable and AccountsPayable) in the activity
        Credit Management: Define intervals for
        days in arrears in credit management.

        You have the following options for processing the list displayed:

        • Display or enter texts Edit -> Texts -> Display or
        • Maintain
          • Display line items Goto -> Line items

          • Display account analysis Goto -> Account analysis

          • Display customer record Goto -> Customer

          • Display or change credit data Goto -> Credit management

          • Display payment history Goto -> Payment history

          • Display A/R summary Goto -> A/R summary

          • Display customer documents Supplements -> Documents

          • Display DSO statement Supplements -> DSO statement

          • Change the number format of the amounts displayed (for example, without
          • decimal numbers Settings -> Scaling