Title Credit Overview Purpose You can generate a credit data list to display an overview of thecustomer master data needed for credit management for a customer. Features Selection> You can use the following criteria to restrict the selection ofcustomers to be displayed:
- Credit account
- Credit control area
- Credit representative group
You can also use any of the other master record fields to restrictfurther the selection of customers (such as credit limit, currency,risk category). You can adapt the volume of data to be displayed according to yourinformation requirements by selecting a corresponding line layoutvariant which contains the required number of fields. You define theseline layout variants in Customizing for Credit Management (underAccounts Receivable and Accounts Payable) in the activity Define Line Layout for Credit Management >. You can also specify a sort variant, which you also define inCustomizing for Credit Management (under Accounts Receivable andAccounts Payable) in the activity Define Sort Variants> In addition, you can have the system display the following data percustomer/credit control area:
- Address data
- Credit management central data (such as total limit, individual limit)
- Balance and special G/L balance of the customer in each company code
belonging to the credit control area
- Dunning data of the customer in all dunning areas of the company codes
belonging to the credit control area
- Days in arrears of the open items in all company codes belonging to the
credit control area The days in arrears are displayed according to a sorted list which youalso specify, for example net 15/30/45, cash discount 15/30/45. Youdefine the intervals for days in arrears in Customizing for CreditManagement (under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable) in theactivity Define Intervals for Days inArrears in Credit Management>
- Open items in all company codes belonging to the credit control area,
displayed according to the line layout variant to be specified