SAP Program RFDIOBK0 - Direct Input Objects and Object Relationships

You can use program RFDIOBK0 to maintain objects and object assignmentswith the help of the direct input procedure. The term "object" here isused to describe master data developed within the framework of IS-PSwhich can be specified as an additional account assignment concept inaccounts receivable postings.
Maintenance of objects and object assignment using the direct inputprocedure is based on an external data transfer: this means thatRFDIOBK0 reads in the appropriate date from a sequential file andprocesses it in line with the instructions stored there.

Maintaining Objects and Object Assignments
You can use direct input to create, change, and delete objects. Whenyou create and change a customer master record to assign the followingto a customer:

  • An object

  • A revenue type

  • Object/revenue combination

  • Bank details.

  • Using RFDIOBK0, you can also create, change, and delete vendor objects(and/or) revenue type bank details.


    There are two relevant structures, one for maintaining objects and theother for maintaining object assignments. The details of the structuresare as follows:

    • BBPSOOB: Structure for maintaining objects

    • BBPSOOBBK: Strucutre for maintaining object assignments

    • For each field transferred in the direct input structure, it must bepossible to decide whether the field value should be zero (example:field to be reset to the initial value) or whether any batch input atall is necessary for this field. That is, a special character must beagreed with the function "No input for this field".
      The default for this character is "/". If you do not want to use thisspecial character, you can use the field NODATA from structures BBPSOOBand BBPSOOBBK to communicate which other special character should beused instead. Before the direct input structure is filled, the firstcharacter for each field in the structures must contain this specialcharacter.
      The fields in the structures refer to the data elements in the originaltable fields, with the exception of numerical and packed fields. Forbatch input, these need their own category CHAR data elements becausepacked fields cannot be initialized with special characters. This meansthat amounts with a decimal point can be transferred to the interface.

      You can use the TCODE transaction field from structures BBPSOOB andBBPSOOBBK to specify the following transaction codes:

      • F842 (BBPSOOB only, creating objects)

      • F841 (BBPSOOB only, changing and deleting objects)

      • XD01 (BBPSOOBBK only, creating object assignments)

      • XD02 (BBPSOOBBK only, changing and deleting object assignments).

      • If the specified objects or object assignments are to be deleted, youmust specify the correct transaction code and enter "X" in the XDELEfield in the relevant structure.

        Generating Table Descriptions
        You can use transaction OBE8 to generate table descriptions for otherprogramming languages.
        Alternatively, you can start the transaction directly from here.