SAP Program RFDEV310 - Maintain Currency Exchange Rates

Caution: This program is not supported from Release 4.6A. Use programRFTBFF00 (for format, see the documentation for that program) or thedatafeed (program RFTBDF07). Note that RFTBFF00 has a different format.In future, SAP will support this format only.
Program RFDEV310 maintains the exchange rate table TCURR using an inputfile (PC or UNIX file) in multicash format, and deletes the existingcurrency rates.

Inserting Currency Rates
Currency rates are inserted using a special input file with thefollowing format:
Field/Format,, Length ,,Contents
1 alphnumeric,,3 ,,currency in ISO code
2 numeric ,,12 ,,average rate in 4,7 format
,, ,,(4 places before and 7 places after the decimal
3 numeric ,,12 ,,range of fluctuation of the rate in 4,7 format
The currency must be transferred in the ISO code (InternationalStandards Organization). The program converts the currency to thecustomary local format (5 characters) as long as the local formatexists. Otherwise, the ISO code is used.
The average, buying and selling rates of the currencies from the inputfile are entered into table TCURR for the local currency and exchangerate date that you specify.
You can predefine the rate types for the average, buying and sellingrates.
The program maintains only the currency rates for the rate types youspecify. If, for example, you do not specify the buying rate in theselection screen, no buying rates are set.
If you specify the buying or selling rate type, the range offluctuation must be supplied in the data format. If you select neitherbuying nor selling rate type, then the range of fluctuation is notcalculated, and the contents in field 3 of the input file are ignored.
Note that currency factors are not taken into consideration in theprogram. You maintain these in the corresponding factor table so thatthey match the factors from the input file.

Deleting Currency Rates
You can delete from table TCURR the currency rates either for all ratetypes or for specific rate types within the period you specify. Theprogram deletes currency rates before inserting them becauseadjustments can also be made to currency rates through the insertingprocess.
The simulation indicator for the inserting process as well as thedeleting controls whether or not changes are to be made in thedatabase.