Description Output
At line item level the output is: The following appear for the higher group levels: The balance can also be grouped by The grouping according to currency is suppressed, however, if alldocuments were posted in the local currency of the respective companycode, since then the total to be displayed agrees with the balance. Higher group levels are not output if they are identical to the totalsof the lower level. The sorting can be influenced by the following parameters: (for master data information) (for item data information) The list can be sorted according to various criteria. For details, seethe documentation for the individual selection parameters. Sort sequence for the normal version: Since for the group version, the account number is the first sortcriterion, if you make an entry under "S Sort indicator (1-8)", thisdoes not affect the sorting. However, the value is taken into accountfor creating subtotals. If the item output is suppressed by selecting "X - Line Items Required",the header item in the list specifies the sort sequence. In other cases,the sort sequence is output at the start of each company code (normalversion) or at the start of the list (group version). |