SAP Program RFCORR26 - Test of Tax Code Consistency (A003/KONH/KONP)

This report tests the consistency of tax codes with regard to tablesA003, KONH and KONP. These tables are held to be consistent if all thefollowing conditions are met:
For every data record in table A003, there exists one data record onlywith the same number A003-KNUNH in tables KONH and KONP.
Table KONH
Field KONH-KOTABNR has the value '003' or '053'.
Table KONP
Field KONP-LOEVM_KO has the value ' ' (space).
Field KONP-KOPOS has the value '01'.
Field KONP-MWSK1 has the same value as field A003-MWSKZ.
Once tables A003, KONH and KONP have been checked for consistency, thefollowing relevant data is displayed:

  • Table A003

  • KAPPL Application
    KSCHL Condition type
    ALAND Country
    MWSKZ Tax code
    KNUMH Number
    • Table KONH

    • KOTABNR Condition table
      DATAB Validity date from (displayed only if at least one
      DATBI Validity date to date field contains no entry)
      • Table KONP

      • KOPOS Sequential number
        KBETR Tax rate
        MWSK1 Tax code
        LOEVM_KO Deletion indicator
        If one of the above conditions is not met, the data in the affectedtables is highlighted in blue or red, and an appropriate correction issuggested at the end of the list. If you select the indicator "Carryout correction proposal", the errors are remedied in accordance withthe proposal.
        If two or more of the above conditions is not met, you may have to runthe report several times over.