SAP Program RFCHKR00 - Lengthen Check Numbers for Account &0.. &1... &2...

The program changes the length of the check numbers of a bank accountby filling the check number with zeros until the required new length isreached via the corresponding parameter.

Both the check lots and the check information are changed. If required,you can request a detailed log which lists each data change.

Important notes
If check information is already to have been archived, then it isadvisable to reload those archive datasets which are still to be usedand to be archived again after conversion. Archive datasets which arenot reloaded before the conversion are not converted and can thereforeno longer be evaluated by the system.
Before the check numbers are lengthened, you should check as to theformat in which the check numbers are needed by the bank. Since youcannot reverse the process of lengthening the check numbers, you mustmake sure that functions such as cashed checks and check extract(positive payment file) are not restricted by changing the length.
In the case of larger datasets, you should run the program usingbackground processing.
In order to make a restart possible, you should specify the old lengthof the check numbers: the value to be specified via the parameter iscompared with the length of the check numbers read so that checknumbers which have already been lengthened are not changed again.