SAP Program RFBVIT_0 - Transfer of Bank Data (Italy)

You can use this program to transfer a bank directory stored for thebank country Italy as a UNIX file to the SAP system (BNKA table). Or youcan revise banks that already exist in the SAP system.

The file must be a UNIX file. You must specify the path name of the filein the program run.
The file must be structured in rows, meaning that it must containcarriage returns.
The standard format is processed according to the Istituto BancarioNazionale. The length of each record is 190 bytes.
There are four different record types:

  • 11 Bank data

  • 21 Branch data

  • 31 Branch name

  • 32 Alternative branch name (not processed by SAP).

  • If there is already bank master data in the system, the existing bankmaster data record is updated with the data from the UNIX file if anydifferences are found.
    If banks in the UNIX file are flagged as being no longer active(indicator in record category 11), they are flagged for deletion in theBNKA file.
    You can start the program as a test run (without updating the BNKA file)or as an update run (updating the BNKA file).
    You can restrict the number of records that are to be exported from theUNIX file in a test run.
    The program does not lock the BNKA file. You, therefore, need to ensurethat no other user or other program accesses the BNKA file while theprogram is running.

    The system displays statistics that show how many banks were created orchanged.
    If any errors occur, the affected banks are listed in an error log.
    You can also request a detailed list. This contains all the banks thatwere successfully changed or inserted.
    The following data is in both lists:

    • Bank number

    • Bank name

    • Processing type (I = Insert, U = Change, D = Deletion Flag).