Description The program is used for transferring the bank directory for banks inCanada (stored in a file) into the SAP system (table BNKA). Description of the Data Records Used: The following data attributes were transmitted by Reed InformationServices and taken as a basis for the program: The data used is stored in ASCII format. The individual records are marked by carriage returns and have a fixedlength of 400 bytes ("fixed length records"). Record layout for record type: Field Name,,,,Length in Bytes,,Byte Position,,> Filler,,,,9,,,,001-009 Institution Type ,,,,2,,,,010-011 Identification Number,,,,10,,012-021 Status Indicator,,,,1,,,,022-022 Cross_Reference number,,,,10,,023-032 Language Preference Code,,,,1,,,,033-033 Institution Name (English),,,,36,,034-069 Institution Name (French),,,,36,,070-105 Branch Domicile,,,,36,,106-141 Civic Address,,,,36,,142-177 Postal Address,,,,36,,178-213 Town/City,,,,36,,214-249 Province Code,,,,4,,,,250-253 Postal Code,,,,10,,254-263 Country,,,,20,,264-283 Institution Identification Number,,,,22,,284-305 for Routing Indirect Clearer Credits,,,, ,, Indirect Clearer MICR Encoding ,,,,22,,306-327 Serviceability Code,,,,1,,,,328-328 Exchange Point,,,,6,,,,329-334 Foreign Bank Transit Number,,,,10,,335-344 Effective Date,,,,6,,,,345-350 Filler,,,,50,,351-400Program flow RESET N1 The program compares the data from the input file with the data thatalready exists in the SAP system and carries out the followingactivities. If the bank data does not exist in the SAP system, the data istransferred from the input file. Not all data fields are transferred infull but generally the field lengths used are adequate and none of thefield contents go missing. Data is transferred in the following way: Identification Number in the BNKA-BANKL and BNKA-BNKLZ fields, Institution Name in the BNKA-BANKA field Civic Address (first 35 Bytes) in the BNKA-STRAS field, Town (first 24 Bytes) and Postal Code (in full) in the BNKA-ORT01field, Province Code in the BNKA-PROVZ field, Branch Domicile (in full) in the BNKA-BRNCH field. If the bank data does exist in the SAP system, then it is updated ifthere are any changes when compared with the data from the input file,compared for each sort code. If a bank which is marked with a deletion flag in the SAP system wasdelivered in the input file, then the deletion flag is cancelled again. All banks managed in the BNKA but which are not in the input file areseen as no longer existing. They are marked with a deletion flag if the"Mark for deletion" parameter is activated and can then be reorganized. No banks are deleted. The programs "Reset Bank Data" (SAPF023) and "FIBank Master Data Archiving" (SAPF061) are used to do this. The Bank Sort Code is used for the BNKA-BANKL key field. According tothe Canadian Payments Association the Bank Sort Code is unique for eachmain office. The program can be started in test mode (without updating the BNKAfile) or in production mode (with updating the BNKA file). The number of records read from the file can be limited for testpurposes. Output Statistics are generated so that you can see how many banks werecreated or changed. A detailed list can also be requested. It contains all banks which werechanged successfully or added. |