SAP Program RFBUST00_P - Cross-Company Code Tax (Japan and Denmark)


  • For cross-company code postings, the total tax only has to be displayed
  • and posted for the first company code. The tax arising in the othercompany code is not considered. In some countries (for example, Japanand Denmark), the tax amounts involved have to be displayed separatelyin each company code.
    • The report creates a list of the tax amounts involved. These have to be
    • manually transferred at a later point.
      • When you start the report, you select the company code for which you
      • want to post tax. You can use the fiscal year or periods (or postingdate) to restrict the number of documents to be taken into account. Thetax amounts are calculated using either the tax code, orproportionately.

        The company codes concerned must have the same local currency.