Description This report is used to find gaps in the document number assignemnt. It also recognizes and documents document numbers that have beenassigned more than once in an interval. Precondition Restriction Company code> Specify one company code. Restriction Number range / Document type> Specify one number range or document type. If you specify a document type, the number range and the number rangeinterval is determined in accordance with table T003. Number ranges with alpha-numeric values are ignored. Restriction Fiscal year> A restriction according to fiscal year is only useful if the numberrange is run year-dependent. Where there is a restriction according to fiscal year, only the entryin the number range interval which is valid for this fiscal year isread. Example: If you specify the following: NoRge Year from to Current 19 1996 1900000000 1999999999 1900000506 19 1998 1900000000 1999999999 1900001234 19 1999 1900000000 1999999999 1900000789 for the following entries the following checks are carried out NoRge = 19, FY = 1996 to 1996 NoRge = 19, FY = 1997 fm GJ 1997 to 1998 NoRge = 19, FY = 1998 fm GJ 1997 to 1998 NoRge = 19, FY = 1999 fm GJ 1999 to 1999 All of the documents in the number range interval specified areselected and the system checks for gaps and for document numbers thathave been assigned more than once. Reorganized documents> If the numbers of reorganized documents are in a number range intervalto be checked, they are displayed as gaps. Document numbers assigned more than once> Based on the example above, the following documents could appear in thedatabase: Document 1900000666 FY 1997 Document 1900000666 FY 1998 The unique numbers in the database are due to the differentiationaccording to fiscal year. However the document number appears more than once in the number rangeinterval. (Possible cause: Incorrect maintenance of number ranges)Output A list of missing numbers and document numbers assigned more than onceis created. |