Purpose Principle of dual control for account closure Integration The report lists all the accounts for which the release procedure was activated. You can go into the display of the account to be closed, interactively.If the account to be closed is an internal reference account, you cango into the internal reference account display. Prerequisites 1. Maintain Activate or deactivate principle of dual control >viathe following stage in Customizing: Switch on/off account closure> 2. If the principle of dual control has been activated, maintain therejection reasons> via the following stage in Customizing:Maintain rejection reasons>Selection Bank area: >One list can be created per bank area. Account number:> External account number Product: >External product ID Date of closure: >Account closure date Release key: >Release key for account closure: (rejected,released, for release, principle of dual control off) Enhanced status: >Here you can specify the enhanced accountstatus . Default: All accounts are displayed with a status different tothe status "Closed / Arch. flagged." . Layout:> Default: The standard varient "1SAP" is used.Standard_variants It is delivered in the standard "1SAP" layout . The standard listincludes the following data: External account number of the account cancelled Internal account number of the account cancelled Bank country of the reference account Bank area of the internal reference account (in case closed on aninternal refernce account) Bank key of the reference account external account number of the internal or external reference account internal account number of the refernce account (in case closed on aninternal reference account) account holder of the reference account text on release status of the reference account text on rejection reason for the reference acc (in case the accountclosure was rejected) Created by: the bank employee who entered the reference account datahat Output The list comrises list header and list body. |