Purpose Checks selected Customizing settings for the general ledger transfer. Features The following settings are checked, even if you restrict the check tospecial general ledger variants:
- All bank areas that were maintained in the Customizing for Bank
Customer Accounts >underDefine Bank Area,>must have a valid entry for a general ledger variant. If you do notenter a general ledger variant, you receive the message 1I 009 (generalledger variant missing). You also receive the message 1GL020,>which specifies the bank area for which this SPACE entry was made.
- In Bank Customer Accounts,> a unique chart of accounts must be
assigned to a company code. You have assigned a chart of accounts to ageneral ledger variant in the Customizing for Bank Customer Accounts>under Maintain General Ledger Variant.>You have made an assignment between bank area, general ledger variant,and company code under Assign General LedgerVariant to Bank Areas.>If various charts of accounts were assigned to acompany code, a message is issued if errors occur, and no more checksare run after this one. If none of the errors mentioned above occur, the following settings arechecked for the selected general ledger variants. If you do not enterany special general ledger variants, all of these checks are run for allgeneral ledger variants.
- All of the general ledger variants that are maintained in the
Customizing for Bank Customer Accounts >(underMaintain General Ledger Variant>)must be assignedto a bank area (under Assign General LedgerVariant to Bank Areas>).
- A special check is run for PT transaction type (mostly 8080) for posting
category 86. If posting category 86 was maintained underAssign Transaction Types to PostingCategories> (mostly with PTtransaction type 8080), the assigned PT transaction type must beassigned with a unique GL operation (also mostly 8080). You make thisassignment underAssign PT Transaction Typeto GL Operation.> This GL operation may be assigned to this PTtransaction type only. See also the explanations for message DS:NA.1I1831I 183.
- All of the clearing accounts used in Bank Customer Accounts >under
Determine GL Account Assignment for CurrentAccounts> must have a receivables/payables account underTransfer Postings for Receivables/Payables.>