SAP Program RFBKGLBSPREP - Balance Sheet Preparation Bank Customer Accounts - FI General Ledger

You use this report for the balance sheet preparation (division intopayables / receivabes) for BCA accounts. The transfer postings for theFI general ledger are prepared, but no FI documents are posted.
In the system, there is a difference between balance sheet preparationfor postings from current operation and balance sheet preparation forpostings from legacy data transfer.
When BCA payment items are posted, the system initially only updatestotals records in preparation for the subsequent transfer to the FIgeneral ledger. Normally, in the totals records, postings are flaggedfor posting to a clearing account for payables/receivables, and to anoffsetting account. As part of end-of-day balancing, the necessarytransfer postings to a payables or receivables account in the generalledger are determined from the newly posted BCA payment items and thenew account balance in BCA. These transfer postings are flagged forfuture transfer to the FI general ledger in totals records.
If postings were entered on a posting date for which balance sheetpreparation has been run (backdated), they are processed with a separatelogic (backdated balance sheet preparation). First the transfer postings(payables/receivables) for the accounts affected are reset and thenrecalculated with the postings that have been added. These postings areshown separately in the log. The netting of the accounts is also takeninto consideration.

For balance sheet preparation, accounts of a business partner that areassigned to the same netting group in the account master are netted. Ifno value is specified for the netting group, no netting takes place.

Changes in the account master
If the general ledger group of a BCA account was changed in the accountmaster, this account is flagged for a transfer posting of the balancesto the payables or receivables account in the FI general ledger inaccordance with the new general ledger group.
If the netting group of a current account was changed in the accountmaster from G1 to G2, a new division of payables and receivables isinitiated for all accounts of the business partner with netting group G1and G2.
If the account holder was changed in the account master, a new divisionof payables and receivables is also initiated if there is a nettinggroup defined for the account.
If the business area was changed in the account master (where a businessarea was entered for the first time), then the system flags a transferposting for this account of the balances to the payables or receivablesaccounts in the general ledger in FI. The balance is taken off the bookswith the old business area and put on the books on the same payables orreceivables account with the new business area.

Only the BCA payment items are included whose posting date does notexceed the to-date specified as a parameter.
A test run supplies any incomplete or incorrect results if the balancesheet is prepared for more than one posting date, or the general ledgergroup, the business area, the netting group or the account holder waschanged in the account master, or if more than one posting was made fora group of accounts that are netted in a period for which a balancesheet preparation was already run (former account).
You can use the selection buttons to determine whether postings fromcurrent operation are to be processed, or postings fromlegacy data transfer.

In an update run, the to-date for every selected bank area must bebefore the current posting date of the bank area.
There mus be no further balance sheet preparation, no account balancing,no cash concentration, no account closure and no general ledgertransfer.

The output of the +/- for amounts is the same as in the FI generalledger.
If you have message 1I 864 in your log, the cause may be as follows:See here.

Event SAP_BKK_BSPREP_JOB_END is triggered during an update run. Thisevent is not triggered in the following cases:

  • An error has occured that prevents balance sheet preparation (for
  • (example, during the check for the 'to date' parameter, bank area locksfor balance sheet preparation, opening of a reconciliation key)
    • During a test run.

    • A reconciliation key is opened for every posting date for which there isa division into payables and receivables during balance sheetpreparation. Other reconciliation keys are opened if the general ledgergroup, business area, or netting group was changed. All openedreconciliation keys are closed and can then be transferred to the FIgeneral ledger.

717006General ledger: AuditTrail