Purpose You use this report to convert the account currency into euros. Prerequisites
- The account is managed in a participating currency.
- The account is flagged for conversion.
Selection You can restrict your selection for the accounts to be changed over, byspecifying the bank area or by specifying both bank area and accountnumber. In the standard system, the test run indicator is activated by default.You need to deactivate the indicator for an update run. To call up a detailed log from the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseBank Customer Accounts -> Periodic Tasks -> Application Logs ->Currency Changeove>r. >Enter FIBA> in the Object>field, and BAACCHCURR> in the Subobject> field, and chooseExecute.>Output When the system changes over the currency, it takes items and balancesin a participating currency off the books, and then puts them back onthe books again in euros. Your account is now managed in euros. Note> You need to review the amount dependent customizing for the principle ofdual control.