SAP Program RFBKBKK45_CORR_FILL - Migrate to Correspondence Receiver Administration

This report carries out the conversion of data contained in table BKK45to table BKK45_CORR. Table BKK45_CORR is required to utilize theCorrespondence Receiver Administration in BCA..
Running this report is only necessary of you have previously used BCABank Statement recipient logic. New customers do not need to run thisreport.

The Correspondence Receiver Administration uses the combination ofCorrespondence Type, Correspondence Role and Address Type (customizedthrough Business Partner) to determine the proper address and format forcorrespondence. In order to implement this functionality for customerswho previously used the Bank Statement recipient logic, this report isnecessary to originate new initial data. This allows all affectedaccounts to be updated in mass processing.

Activate the Correspondence Recipient Administration for the Products inwhich you wish to implement this functionality.
Complete the mapping of Bank Statement Format and Bank StatementDispatch Type to a Shipping Control (sometimes referred to as DispatchControl). You can accomplish this using the button Map Shipping Controlon this report.

After completing the mapping of shipping control, complete the selectionparameters as desired. If there is no mapping for a particularcombination of Bank Statement Format and Dispatch Type, the valuesdesignated in the Default Assignments section will be substituted forthose bank statement receivers.
If Simulation is selected, no changes to the database will occur. Onlya list will be produced.
If the Update Entries checkbox is selected, current entries in the newtable BKK45_CORR will be overwritten. In this way, you can refine yourmapping by reviewing the account assignments and making necessarycorrections for all entries. It will not be necessary to modify eachaccount using the Account Maintenance Dialog (transaction F9K2).

A list is produced for all accounts affected. The first section of thelist displays any error or information messages that have beenencountered.
The Address Inconsistency section will display a list of any accountswhere the mapping has resulted in a discrepancy between the old addressresulting from the entries in BKK45 and the newly determined addressfrom the Correspondence Receiver Administration. The account can bemodified by double-clicking an entry. An address discrepancy can resultif an unassigned address was directly selected as the bank statementaddress. Typically an address will need to be assigned to the properaddress usage in Business Partner. This can be navigated to from theaccount.
The last section will either show Proposed Changes or Completed Changesdepending on whether the report was run in simulation mode or real mode.This section displays the NEW values and the OLD values. If the reportis run in real mode, the columns with the prefix NEW have been saved totable BKK45_CORR and will be used by bank statement processing todetermine the address (assuming the Correspondence RecipientAdministration feature is activated for the corresponding product ofthis account).

Define the appropriate Correspondence Recipient customizing in theprevious customizing steps.
Complete the mapping. For an example, see the customizing activitydocumentation of this activity.
Complete the Selection Parameters as desired.
Determine and designate default assignments for Correspondence Type,Correspondence Role and Send Control.
We recommend first running this report for one bank area in simulationmode. After receiving the results in the list, you may discover thatyou need to refine your mapping. Complete the modifications and repeatuntil you are satisified with the list. Then run the list in real mode.You may wish to run this report separately for each product or each bankarea to improve performance.