Purpose You use the RFBKBDCOND report for each account to find out if it isaffected by the retroactive changes to standard conditions. If this is the case, the account is flagged for retroactive accountingfrom the period determined for the next account balancing. Organizational Flow Customizing In the Customizing for Bank Customer Accounts (BCA), you can choose Master Data- > Conditions -> Specify Basic Settings for Conditions> toset the following parameters: Number of balancing periods> Retroactive effect on previous fiscal year.> If the Number of Periods> parameter is set to zero (conditionchange with retroactive effect not allowed), then the other parameterdoes not apply: Retroactive condition change for old fiscal year>.Otherwise, the retroactive affect on the past (set up by the parameterRetroactive change to old fiscal year: no) is restricted to the currentfiscal year, although the allowed number of balancing periods goes backinto the old fiscal year.Condition Processing You make retroactive changes to the relevant standard conditions, andrelease the change by choosing Condition Processing> orCondition Assignment.>Using the RFBKBDCOND Report You can use the report during the day. The runtime is determined by thenumber of accounts. The report needs to be finished by the time theaccount is balanced, since the balancing needs to know from which periodthe recalculation is to take part for the accounts that are beingbalanced. From the time of the retroactive condition change to the current date,the report uses the change documents of the account to determine whetheran account was affected by a retroactive condition change at the time ofa past balancing. Transaction F89R - Processing Log of the Report Display of the application log (see sample parameter for detailed log). Features Selection The following selections and parameters are active:
- Selection by bank area
Caution: Condition areas and groups always apply across bank areas, meaning thata retroactive change to a standard condition affects accounts indifferent bank areas. The report must, therefore, run without a bankarea selection. Only use the report with a bank area selection if you only want asimulation.
- Simulation parameter
If you have set the simulation parameter, the system does not change thedatabase, meaning that the relevant accounts are not entered in the flagtable provided for recalculation. In addition, the entries of thestandard condition changes to be processed are kept.
- Detailed Log parameter
If you have not set this parameter, the system displays only a shortlog. Processing start on 02/18/2003 at 14.02.16 by user XYZ. Simulation: TBKK80BAS: Number of balancing periods for retroactive condition change05 TBKK80BAS: Retroactive change to old fiscal year allowed Active retroactive changes to standard conditions in the processingtable: Condition area 001, condition group category 1, condition group 0001retroactive through to 20021201. Condition area 001, condition group category 2, condition group 0001retroactive through to 20021001. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0001 BkAr: 7 accounts flagged for recalculation 0003 BkAr: 2 accounts flagged for recalculation 0004 BkAr: 1038 accounts flagged for recalculation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Processing ended on 02/18/2003 at 14:50:53 Warning and error messages are displayed in the short log. If you have set the Detailed Log> indicator, the system displaysadditional messages for each account: 0001 0000022622 BkAr Account: YEAR NR NRADD - 2003 001 000 0001 0000000022 BkAr Account was not balanced and there is noretroactive accounting 0003 0000000007 BkAr Account - recalculation from: YEAR NR NRADD - 2002011 001 0004 0000000011 BkAr Account is not active and will not be processed 0001 0000000012 BkAr Account was not balanced, no retroactive accountingExample Parameter: Retroactive condition change for 5 periods back Retroactive condition change to old fiscal year The following two standard conditions have been changed retroactively: Condition area,,Condition group,,Date of retroactive change 0001,,Interest: 0001,,Date 1 0001,,Charges: 0002,,Date 2 Account status: Balancing period)8)8)8..Condition area)8Interestgroup)8Charge group + 2003/0040001 0002 + 2003/003 00010002 0001 + 2003/002 00012 0001 Date1 + 2003/001 00010002 0002 + 2002/012 00010001 0002 + 2002/0110001 0002 Dard + 200 00010001 0002 + 2002/009 00010001 0001 + 2002/008 00010001 0001 The first change goes back three balancing periods, but the account onlyhad the affected interest group in 2003/4 for th period of time. Thismeans that recalculation is required from 2003/004. The second change goes back six balancing periods. The account has therelevant group for cing. However, the recalculation by the number ofperiods is restricted to five. This means that as a result of both changes and according to theparameter control,m triggers a recalculation for the account from2002/012. If you have set the Retroactive condition change to year: no>parameter, and if the fiscal year is the same as theyear, therecalculation would take place from 2003/001 (balancing period01/01/2003 - 01/31/2003).