SAP Program RFBKABL0 - Display of Bank Changes


Displaying Changes to the Bank Master Data

You can use program RFBKABL0 to display changes to bank master data forall banks.

You define field groups for bank master data for the followingpurposes:

  • When bank master data is being edited, individual fields are to be
  • protected by means of authorizations.
    • With this report you want to only select changes to certain fields.

    • For field groups only used for selection in this report, select fieldNo authorization.
      You define the field groups in Financial Accounting Customizing bychoosing Bank accounting -> Bank accounts -> Change display ->Define field groups for bank master data.
      You can assign fields to field groups by choosing Groupfields of the bank account master records.

      You can use the selection criteria bank country, bank key, change date,name of changing party and field group.

      Sort method
      You can choose from four sort methods:

      • Data sorted according to the change date

      • Data sorted according to the bank

      • Data sorted according to the name of changing party

      • Data sorted according to the field name
      • Output
        The system outputs a list showing which banks and which data of thesebanks have been changed.
        You can adapt the amount of data output to suit your own informationrequirements. To enhance the current display variant or to choose adifferent exisitng one, choose Settings -> Display variant.
        For your list layout, all the functions of the general list viewer(ALV) are available to you. For more information on this, refer to theR/3 Library and choose CA - Cross-application components -> Generalapplication functions -> ABAP List Viewer.