SAP Program RFBITB01 - Posting of Failed Payment Procedures

This program enables certain failed payment transactions such as billsof exchange, check and bank collection to be posted automatically.
Such posting is necessary where, for example, the presenting bankinforms you that a bill of exchange was presented unsuccessfully to thedrawee for collection, or where there are insufficient funds to cover acheck or if a bank collection could not be carried out.
Under these circumstances, the bank's debit memo must be posted and theoriginal receivable reproduced.
It is also possible to incur bank charges and sales tax on bankcharges. These must either be debited to the customer or posted toexpense accounts and tax accounts.
The necessary posting is:
,,Customer bank charges,,,,Bank
Or: (not yet implemented, see note 65995/1997)
,,Expense bank charges
,,Input tax,,,,Bank
The data needed for this posting is transferred from table TINSO.Allocations to subaccounts found in table TINSB may also be necessaryhere.

Table TINSO:
This table is used to transfer and complete DME files and to enterrelevant data manually. Company code, document number and payment typemust always be entered here.
It is not absolutely essential that the fiscal year is entered, but ifit is omitted then this can lead to error messages at a later stagei.e. if the document number is not unique.
Tax specifications are only possible for bank charges incurred. If onlya sales tax code is specified, the program assumes that the bankcharges are gross. If a tax amount is also specified, the programassumes a net amount.
If no expense account for bank charges has been specified (for thecharges), then the gross amount of the bank charges is charged to thecustomer. Where an expense account for charges exists, then posting ismade to charges and - where necessary - to tax.
Further required entries will depend upon the individual entries inquestion.

Table TINSB:

Bills of exchange
This program determines the bank account to which the bill of exchangeis presented according to the usage to which the bill is put. However,if this account is not the same as that for the bank debit memo, youmust specify the appropriate bank account for the presentation accountin table TINSB.
If no appropriate general allocation can be made, the alternative bankaccount used must be specified when inputting the data in the relevantfield.
It is generally the case that the bank account specified for the inputdata is the one which is used first. Only if the system cannot find anaccount here, does it read the data in table TINSB to see whether ageneral allocation exists. If this is also not the case, then thepresentation bank account is used.

Not yet realized.

Bank collection
You only need specify an alternative bank account for the debit memowhere a bank collection is still uncleared in the interim account forbank collection and if bank charges have also been incurred. In thiscase the account for debiting the bank charges would be used.
It is of course equally possible to specify an account for the debitmemo when entering the input data.

This program generates a list of the postings which were carried out orwhich were entered into the batch input session. Where no posting waspossible, a short error description appears.

For an unpayable bill of exchange, for example, the program mightcreate the following posting:
Customer remaining debt,,,,,,1000.00
Customer bank charges,,,,,,114.00

2. If the bank charges are posted to an expense account.
(not yet implemented, see note 65995/1997)
Customer remaining debt,,,,,,1000.00
Expense account bank charges,,,,,,100.00
Input tax on bank charges,,,,,,14.00

360145Expiring currencies: Bills of exchange