The data records need not necessarily appear in this order. If thetransaction you require cannot process any data from a certain datarecord, this record must either be omitted or transferred as"initialized" (see below).
The fields of the structures refer to data elements of the fields ofthe original tables. However, numeric and packed fields are anexception. These need separate data elements of category CHAR for batchinput, since packed fields cannot be "initialized" with a specialcharacter.
This means that amounts can be transferred to the interface with adecimal point.NODATA special character:
For each field which is transferred in batch input structure, you mustdecide whether the value of the field is initial (for example, thefield should be reset to the initial value) or whether no batch inputat all is necessary for this field.
That means, a special character must be specified which has thefunction: "No batch input for this field".
This special character is the character "/" by default.
If the special character "/" is not to be used, you can specify anotherspecial character in the session prefix in field BGR00-NODATA whichwill carry out this function.
You "initialize" a batch input structure (with the exception of thesession prefix BGR00) by filling out the record type and (ifapplicable) table name fields with the correct values, and the otherfields in the structure with the special character NODATA.
End of record marker:
If a batch input structure is later extended, the new end of thestructure is indicated by a special field (-SENDE). If you are alreadyworking with the new, extended structure, fill this field with theNODATA special character when "initializing" the structure. As aresult, the system can recognize whether the data is based on the oldor the new structure when importing the structure.
Special fields in the session prefix:
The batch input session name must be entered in the session prefix(BGR00-GROUP). Sending a second session prefix causes the currentsession to be closed and a further session to be opened.
The special character BGR00-NODATA can be transferred in the sessionprefix (see above).
A block date can be transferred in the session prefix (BGR00-START). Ifthis date is set, it must have the format 'YYYYMMDD'.
Generation of record layouts:
You can generate structures in the Implementation Guide for GenearalLedger Accounting. Choose the activities General Ledger Accounting ->G/L Accounts -> Master Data -> G/L Account Creation -> One-StepManual/Automatic -> Alternative Methods for Creating G/L Accounts ->Data transfer workbench for G/L account master data II. On this screen,choose Goto -> Structure for prog. lang.
Alternatively, you can access it directly from hereProceed>.User-defined batch input structrues:
If you do not need particular fields from the standard batch inputstructures and you do not want to have to enter the NODATA specialcharacter every time, you can define your own structures which onlycontain those fields which you really use.
The following structures are possible:
- ZSKA1 record type 2 data record (chart of accounts data)
- ZSKAT record type 2 data record (name of the G/L accounts)
- ZSKB1 record type 2 data record (company code data)
- ZSKX record type 5 extended header record
The user-defined structures which begin with the letter "Z" requirethat the fields record type (-STYPE) and table name (-TBNAM) are infirst/second position.
The structure ZSKX also requires the fields transaction code (-TCODE),G/L account number (-SAKNR), and company code (-BUKRS). The position ofthese fields in the structure is entirely up to you.
All other fields from the standard structures beginning with the letter"B" can be used in any position in the user-defined structures, or canbe left out altogether.
You generate your own batch input structure by creating a new structureunder the predefined name and copy the fields you need into it from thereference structure.
You reach the structure maintenance via the Development ->Dictionary> menu bar option in the ABAP/4 DevelopmentWorkbench>. Alternatively, you can go directly from here to themaintenance screen Proceed>.