Purpose The report creates thebalance sheet> and profit and lossstatement> (P&L) for a given reporting period within a single fiscalyear, with absolute and relative comparisons to a comparison period. You need this report if you depict a parallel valuation method in yourSAP system and have created an additional (special) ledger for youradditional accounting principle for this purpose. You can use thisreport to create the balance sheet and P&L statement for yourindividual accounting principles. In particular, you can create thebalance sheet and P&L statement for your parallel accounting principlebased on the additional ledger. You determine the structure of the balance sheet and the P&L statementby entering a financial statement version >. You can define a separate balance sheet/P&L statement for eachaccounting principle. This report also allows you to compare values from two ledgers (and,therefore, for two accounting principles).Prerequisites The following conditions must be met so that you can create a balancesheet and P&L statement for a special ledger.
- The addtional (special) ledger must be based on an FI-SL summary table.
The FI-SL summary table must be activated for reporting (the same waysas when using drilldown reports). You can find the IMG activity foractivating an FI-SL summary table in Financial Accounting Customizing,under Special Ledger -> Information System -> Drilldown Reports ->Use Drilldown Reporting -> Activate Drilldown Reporting for FI-SLTables.>>
- The system can only evaluate the FI-SL summary table properly if it
contains the following characteristics (the characteristics in bold areobligatory): G/L account (RACCT)> Company code (BUKRS or RBUKRS)> Fiscal year (RYEAR)> Business area (RBUSA) Function area (RFAREA) Other characteristics contained in the summary table are not>taken into account.