SAP Program RFBIBLK1 - Batch Input Documents

The Batch Input report RFBIKRK0 serves to enter financial accounting

  • documents and to clear open items.
  • Note

    • Information affecting the Batch Input file is defined in the session
    • record.
      • Information which is valid for the whole document is defined in the
      • header record.
        • The header fields for which the Batch Input should be possible are
        • defined in their own Data Dictionary structures.
          Every structure is identified by record type and possibly by table name
          The individual structures are:
          • BGR00 record type 0 session record

          • BLF00 record type 1 header data

          • BLFA1 record type 2 document segment data (incl. CpD data, COBL data)

          • BLFBK record type 2 document taxes

          • BLFB1 record type 2 selection header data (only FB05)

          • BLFB5 record type 2 selection items (only FB05)

          • For every field which is transferred to the Batch Input structure itmust be possible to decide if the value of the field is initial (e.g.field is to be reset to initial value) or if no Batch Input at all isrequired for this field.
            This means a special character must be agreed which has the function"No Batch Input for this field".
            The default character for this special character is'/'.
            If the special character '/' is not to be used a transfer can be madein the session record in the field BGR00-NODATA, which other specialcharacter this function is meant to fulfil.
            Before filling in the Batch Input structure every field of thestructure (with the exception of the session record BGR00) has to be"prepared" at the beginning of the field with this special
            The structure fields refer to the data elements of the fields in theoriginal table. However numbered and packed fields are an exception.These their own data elements of the type CHAR for the Batch Input aspacked fields cannot be "initialized" with a special character.
            This means that amounts with decimal points can be transferred to theinterface.
            Record end indicator:
            If a supplemetary renewal is made to a Batch Input structure the newend of the structure is marked by a special field (SENDE) If you arealready working with the new, renewed structure then fill in this fieldwhen "initializing" the structure with the special character NODATA. Inthis way it can be recognized when importing the structure if the datais based on the old or the new structure.
            Special fields in the session record:
            In the session record the file name must also be given (BGR00-GROUP).Sending a second session record has the effect of closing the currentfile opening of a further file.
            In the session record the special character BGR00-NODATA can betransferred (see above).
            In the session record a block date can be transferred (BGR00-START). Ifthis date is set it must have the format 'JJJJMMTT'.
            • RFBIKRK0 executable Batch Input program

            • RFBIKR01 main program with structure logic

            • RFBIKRG0 generating program

            • The generating program RFBIKRG0 uses the frame RFBIKR01 and writes thecoding contained in it together with the newly generated coding in theBatch Input program RFBIKRK0.
              Through the generating program the coding for the "Field transports" isgenerated for each screen and for each input field.
              Supported transactions:
              In the existing version the following central transactions aresupported:
              • FB01 Post document

              • FB05 Post with clearing

              • For the transaction FB01 a document header (BBKPF) must be transferredfor each document and a BBSEG structure for each line item.
                The structure BBSEG also contains the fields for the additionalscreens. The additional screens are only outputed when playing thefolder through
                if Batch Input data were transferred for this purpose.
                The structure BBSEG also contains the fields for the CpD data. Thescreen for the CpD data is outputed if a posting is to be made onto aCpD account or if a varying payment recipient is to be stated in the
                document. For the transaction FB05, in addition to the header record(BBKPF) and possibly document items (BBSEG) the selection header data(BSELK) and
                the selection items (BSELP) must be transferred. For technical reasonsthe data for BBSEG ahs to be transferred before BSELK and BSELP. In aBSELP structure up to 18 selection items can be transferred. If
                that is not sufficient further BSELP structures can be transferred.
                The following activities are not currently supported:
                With the transaction FB01 no special general ledger activities can be
                Generating record layouts:
                You can generate record layout via the menu bar point "Tools" in theCustomizing accounting menu. Alternatively from here you can godirectly to the Customizing Execute function . Youfind a description of this function in the IMG of the menu barpoint.