SAP Program RFAWVZ40 - Foreign Trade Regulation Reports Z4

You can use this program to generate supplement Z4 in accordance withthe Foreign Trade Ordinance (FTO).
Additionally, data in supplement Z1 can be reported using supplement Z4.
You may not submit reports in computerized printout form withoutapproval from your central bank. Generally speaking, it is advisable tocontact your state central bank first and where possible, send some testprintouts before submitting reports generated with this program.

The following conditions must be met before you can print Z4supplements:
The connection between G/L accounts and bank accounts must be definedeither by entering a house bank ID and account ID in the G/L accountmaster record, or by entering the G/L account in Customizing for thehouse bank account ID. If you cannot determine a bank sub-account viathe payment program configuration (e.g. for customer check depositaccounts), you must enter the account ID and house bank ID for theaccount, which must also be specified in the 'Payment sub-accounts'select option.
You enter house banks using the Accounting Implementation Guide.
You enter bank sub-accounts in the payment program configuration menu ->Bank Selection -> Accounts.
You can find more information in the Accounting Implementation Guideunder Define House Banks and in thesection Set Up Payment Program.
You must also enter the bank charges account.
You can enter bank charge accounts using the Accounting ImplementationGuide.
You can find more information in the Accounting Implementation Guideunder Define Accounts for Bank Charges.
You must enter the state central bank indicator. If, for example, youenter 1, 3, or 5 as a document type for a state central bank indicator,the program will correspondingly output a 2, 4, or 6 for outgoingpayments, and vice versa.
You can maintain state central bank indicators via the AccountingImplementation Guide.
You can find more information in the Accounting Implementation Guide inthe section Define SCB Indicator forForeign Trade Regulations.
In the corresponding field selection strings for the posting key and G/Laccounts and/or reconciliation accounts, the fields SCB/supplyingcountry must be activated in the foreign payments group.
You maintain field status definition groups using the AccountingImplementation Guide.
You can find more information in the Accounting Implementation Guide inthe section Define Field Status DefinitionGroups and in the section Define PostingKeys.
The following parameters must be maintained in the global data for thereporting company code:
FTO: Industry of the reporting company
FTO: Clerk
FTO: Report number
FTO: State
FTO: Address of the reporting company
FTO: Clerk's telephone number
FTO: Approval
FTO: SCB details
You maintain global parameters via the Accounting Implementation Guide.
You can find more information in the Accounting Implementation Guideunder Enter Global Parameters.
Enter the short name for the foreign trade statistics as well as itsaccompanying key number as an alternative country key. The required datais contained in the country directory for foreign trade statistics.
Enter countries via the Implementation Guide for Global Settings.
You can find more information in the Global Settings ImplementationGuide under Define Countries.
The following restrictions exist for generating the reports:
Intercompany transactions are not taken into consideration.
The reporting transactions are determined from the documents, which are
selected either by posting date or by CPU date.
The SCB indicator and country are determined from the documents. A
more detailed explanation of this process is included later in thisdocumentation.

Line item list
The following data is output:
Company code
SCB indicator
Supplying country (or, for a Z4, the country key)
Currency which was reported (V for clearing, E for contributions)
Document number, fiscal year, document item, posting key, account type,
and currency of the line item in which the SCB details are given.
Clearing document number and clearing date.
Payment method, bank country, and payment account.
DEM amount
Debit/credit indicator
Document type for Z4 supplement
Supplement Z4 of the FTO
Payments in foreign trade
(the commodity code in transit is not provided at this time)

Note the following when selecting the transactions to be reported:
You can restrict the quantity of documents being considered for thereport by restricting the posting date or date of entry. Thespecification of the reporting period and year then defines the periodin which the posting date/date of entry for open items and the clearingdate/date of entry for cleared items, must be. The restriction ofdocuments using the posting date should be combined with the posting andclearing date check, and the restriction of the date of entry should becombined with the date of entry check (parameter "Report with date ofentry").
Unless specifically mentioned below, enter the SCB indicator and thesupplying country in the items which are cleared by a payment (invoices,credit memos and so on).
The following cases for determining data are supported:
Documents with at least one payment account item and at least onecleared item (incoming payment, outgoing payment, debit bank, creditbank sub-account with clearing)
The SCB details are determined as follows:
Posting not made exclusively to payment accounts
The SCB indicator and country are determined from the cleared items. Ifthe SCB data is not provided, and an item exists with reference to aninvoice, the data will be taken from the item to which the current itemrefers.
Document without payment account items with at least one cleared item(clearing document with which a payment on account was cleared).
The SCB details are determined as follows:
The SCB indicator, country, payment accounts, and other data aredetermined from the cleared items. If you did not maintain the SCB data,and an item with reference to an invoice exists, the data is taken fromthe item to which the current item refers.
Documents with at least one payment account item without a cleared item(partial payments)
The SCB details are determined as follows:
Postings to other accounts in addition to payment accounts
The SCB indicator and country are determined from the offsetting itemsto the payment items. If you did not maintain the SCB data, and an itemwith reference to an invoice exists, the data is taken from the item towhich the current position refers.
Posting made exclusively to payment accounts
The SCB indicator and country are taken from the corresponding G/Laccount item.
Documents without a payment account item, and without a cleared item(for example, contributions)
The SCB details are determined as follows:
Only G/L account items are taken into consideration. The SCB indicatorand country are taken from the corresponding G/L account item.
When determining the amounts to be reported, the following unusualfeatures must be considered:
Determination of local currency amount per item
The discount and a residual amount is deducted from the gross localcurrency amount and a valuation difference is added.
Offsetting line items when clearing
Where several invoices and credit memos are to be settled with oneclearing transaction, debit and credit line items are offset beginningwith the highest amount and working downward, without taking therelationship between the line items into account.

90512Postings TR-TM / TR-LO / FI: field transfer
424122Residual item not displayed in RFAWVZ40
382254RFAWVZ40: Down payment clearing
302793RFAWVZ40 with local currency not equal to "DEM"