G/L account balances, year-end balances in local currency based on aclassification characteristic The account balance list displays the following local currency valuesper account and fiscal year: - Balance carryforward at the beginning of the fiscal year - Debit totals for fiscal year (period balance 01-16) - Credit totals for fiscal year (period balance 01-16) - Credit or debit balance at end of fiscal year At the end of the list, the following is displayed per local currency: - Totals per company code - End total for all company codes Classification characteristics The sorting of the accounts is based on the classificationcharacteristic. The classification characteristic is formed using the following logic: 0> = Accounts not posted to during selection period> 1> = Balance c/f '0', Period result '0', End balance '0'> 2> = Balance c/f '0', Period result 'x', End balance '0'> 3> = Balance c/f 'x', Period result '0', End balance 'x'> 4> = Balance c/f 'x', Period result 'x', End balance '0'> 5> = Balance c/f '0', Period result 'x', End balance 'x'> 6> = Balance c/f 'x', Period result 'x', End balance 'x'> '0' >Value = 0, 'x' >Value < > zero Classification characteristic 1> Under the following conditions, accounts are listed under thischaracteristic: - The values posted at the business area level equal zero. - The posted documents were reversed. The switch"Negative postings allowed"> is activated. - There are still open items from the previous fiscal year that balaceto zero. Via the report interface, you can display the balances/documents. Print accounts not posted to yes> If the selection criteria is selected, accounts that were not posted toare also listed. They are assigned to classification characteristic0>.Report interface Via a double-click on the account number, you can access the balanceand document display for this account (FS10N). Dynamic selections When selecting the data, consider the selection options available usingdynamic selections>. Example: You should only select accounts that are new in the company code forthe time period being audited. ->Display dynamic selections ->Company code, created on: 0101JJ to 1231JJ |