trados = docu -> fi -> figlPurpose The report creates a data extract for the EC sales list in Spain. Thereport takes account of both vendors and customers. The data extract iscreated as a UNIX file. The report creates the EC sales list in accordance with the transitionalruling for tax on sales and purchases in the EC internal market fromJanuary 1, 1993. The report has to be created either quarterly oryearly, though it can be created at different intervals (for testpurposes or if the relevant tax authorities allow this). The EC sales list normally deals with documents whose tax on sales andpurchases code in table T007A is an EC indicator with a value of 1, 3,7, or 8. The UNIX file consists of 2 different record types. 1. Details of the sender and totals 2. Display of business partners with individual sales The record length is 128 characters for all record types. If the VAT registration number of the business partner is missing, adetailed error message is issued. In this case, the information is notlisted in the EC sales list. The following errors cause the program to terminate: Missing entry in table T001 Missing entry in table T001Z Missing entry in table T005 Missing entry in table T007A The report can create the EC Sales List according to theVAT date> that you havespecified for the given reporting quarter. To do so, specify a reportingquarter and one or more VAT date in the Further Selections group box.Prerequisites To create the sequential UNIX file, you have to specify the entire pathin the file tree for the file name. For example: /usr/sap/tmp/ If part of the path is missing, it might be that the file is in thewrong place in the UNIX file tree or that it cannot even be created. Inthe latter case, the program terminates with the message that the filecould not be opened. You have activated the VATdate> function. For more information about the VAT date function, seeSAP Note 1232484.Output Output on disk: To begin with, the report creates a sequential UNIX file. For thispurpose, the path and file name have to be specified on the selectionscreen. With report RFASLDPC, a UNIX file can be stored either on a DOSor an OS/2 disk. If one disk is not enough, the data record mustinitially be stored together with the above-mentioned report on the harddrive of the DOS or OS/2 computer. From there, it can be stored on disksusing the BACKUP command (DOS or OS/2). Output in list: If required, you can request a line item list that contains theinformation to be reported at document level and the following totals: * Total per subcontracting indicator (0/1) ** Total per VAT registration number of business partner *** Total per transaction type (1/2/3/4) |