SAP Program RFASLD02 - EC Sales List (Belgium, Luxembourg)

The EC Sales List (Belgium and Luxembourg) report creates the EC saleslist in XML format. The report generates the data extract as an XMLfile, which contains details about your company and your EU salestransactions. According to legal requirements, companies have to submitthe EC Sales List to their tax office electronically. The EC Sales List(Belgium and Luxembourg) report contains country-specific features thatenable you to generate an electronic file in XML format with therequired information, in accordance with the regulations of your taxoffice.
You can also create the Belgian or Luxembourg EC sales list in XMLformat that includes a sending company different from the declaringcompany. To do so, specify the details of the sending company inBelgium or Luxembourg tab. For more information, refer tothe field help.
For more information about selection criteria, see the systemdocumentation for the RFASLM00 report.

The following movements or transactions are supported for this report:

  • Deliveries within the EU: This corresponds to transactions posted with a
  • VAT code with the EU indicator "1".
    • Services within the EU, in accordance with the new VAT regulations in
    • VAT Package 2010: This corresponds to transactions posted with a VATcode with the EU indicator "4"
      • Make-to-order transactions: This corresponds to transactions posted with
      • a VAT code with the EU indicator "3"
        • Triangular movements: This corresponds to transactions posted with a VAT
        • code with the EU indicator "1" or "3" with the triangular switchactivated.
          The sending of goods for make-to-order processing is not supported sincedocuments whose value is 0 cannot be posted in the accounting system.

          The output of this program is :

          • An optional detailed item list and

          • The XML file and an accompanying letter (one file and letter per
          • company code).
            To download the file, you have two options:
            • Download the file direct from the report results. When the system
            • displays the XML File, choose XML -> Download and enterthe file path and file name as required.
              • Use the Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange
              • File to Disk program (RFASLDPC) to download the file as follows:
                On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting -> FinancialAccounting -> General Ledger -> Reporting -> EC Sales List -> General ->Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk
                Enter the file name you specified on the selection screen of the ECSales List (Belgium) program in the Source file field.
                Enter ** (Generic DME Format) in the File typefield.
                Select the Copy source file checkbox.
                Enter data for the target file as required.
                In the Character Set Conversion group box, select StandardCodepage 1100.

                The report generates a single file with the combined listing for goodsand services in accordance with the Belgium-specific requirements. ForBelgium, the XML file lists the sales you made within the EU during oneof the following time periods:
                The output of this program comprises the following:
                The output of this program comprises the following:
                One XML file
                One accompanying letter per company code
                An optional detailed item list
                The XML file displays the data as follows:
                Company details are displayed within the tag
                (under and )
                Transaction details are displayed within the tag

                The XML file lists the monthly or yearly sales you made within theEU.The report generates separate files for goods and services inaccordance with the declaration type of Luxembourg declarations.
                For Luxembourg, the output of this program comprises the following:
                One or two XML files depending on the declaration type
                One accompanying letter per company code
                An optional detailed item list
                For Luxembourg, the XML file displays the data as follows:
                Company details are displayed within the tags and
                Transaction details are displayed within the tag

1658594RFASLD20: Kopf der Einzelpostenliste bei monatlicher Meldung
1417611Composite note for VAT 2010
1533216Documentation Updates - Tax Date
1421078Luxembourg - VAT 2010: EU Sales Listing
1465562VAT 2010: Data transfer from FI-CA for EC sales list, LI
1439166RFASLD20: FI-CA interface and tax reporting date
1402105VAT 2010: Technical prerequisites, reporting enhancements
1384895VAT 2010: Technical prerequisites part II, reporting
1415060FI-CA: EC sales list
1413492VAT 2010: Data transfer from FI-CA for EC sales lists
1422489FI-CA: Prerequisites for EC sales list
1239799RFASLD20: Selection according to tax reporting date not poss
1114726Error corrections for the tax reporting date
1098630RFASLD20: manual address entry in SD
982700RFASLM00: Address data does not match the TSP ID
766359RFASLM00 - Optical EC Sales List archiving
870277Monthly submission of EC sales list
871301Selection parameter Ledger in tax programs