SAP Program RE_INSP_ARCH_PREPARE - Prepare campaigns of inspection list for archiving

Prepare Campaigns in the Inspection List for Archiving

Use this report to preparecampaigns ininspection lists forarchiving. Use archiving object ISU_INSPEC for this.

After preparing the campaigns, use reportRE_INSP_ARCH_ARCHIVE to archive thecampaigns, and report RE_INSP_ARCH_DELETEto delete them.

This report checks all entries in the inspection list for the selectedcampaign.
If the system cannot find any entries that are open or in processing,the archiving status is set to Ready for Archiving.
If the system finds entries that are open or in processing, use reportRE_INSP_LIST_DISPLAY to complete ordelete them. Alternatively the campaign can contain the archivingstatus Ready for Archiving. In this case the campaign is lockedfor further processing.