SAP Program RESDEDIMONJIT - IDoc Monitor for Incoming JIT Calls

You use the IDoc Monitor to select and reprocess incoming sequenced andsummarized JIT calls.

In addition to the control record fields and the option of selectingonly summarized or only sequenced JIT calls you can also select fieldsfrom the IDoc data records and the application.
The traffic lights can also be used to further limit the number ofIDocs that are displayed. If you do not select a status by selecting atraffic light but you do enter a current status on theStandard Selection tab page then the selection corresponds tothis criteria. If you select the traffic lights and enter a currentstatus then the traffic lights are given priority when the system isselecting the data.
If the number of selected control records is greater than or equal tothe number entered in the parameter Maximum No. of IDocs for InfoMessage then a dialog box appears displaying the number of IDocsselected. The user can then cancel the selection and choose additionalselection criteria if he or she wishes.

For each IDoc selected a header row and a corresponding number of itemrows are displayed.
Note: The fields displayed in the basic list are not always samelength as the database fields. You can increase or decrease the lengthof the fields using the function Change Layout.
The header row contains three links. If you click on the IDoc number(displayed in color in the list) the IDoc is displayed in readableform. If there are texts in the IDoc at header and/or item level youcan branch to a list displaying the texts by clicking the @0P@ icon.Clicking once on the external call number takes you to the JIT callsdisplay.

Functions for which only one line can be selected:
@16@ IDoc (Jump to the IDoc list )
@F9@ Status history (The status history is displayed forthe selected IDoc)
Functions for which multiple rows can be selected:
@15@ Foreground(Process the IDoc in the dialog; onlypossible for status 51 (application document not posted) and 69 (IDocwas edited)
@15@ Background(Process the IDoc in the background; onlypossible for status 51 (application document not posted), 64 (IDocready to be transferred to application) and 69 (IDoc was edited)
@11@ Delete (Delete IDoc Logically)
In addition, you can display the legend by choosing the icon @3D@. Youcan use the icon @42@ to re-display the list with the most up-to-datedata.