SAP Program RERD_DOC_EXTR_EXP - Data Exatraction of Print Docuements

This report creates document extracts from the selected print documentsand exports these to a text file.

In Germany, government tax auditors must have access to all tax-relevantdocuments created in the last 10 years. This is due to the German TaxReduction Law. In IS-U Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, allprint documents are saved in a reduced form in the tables ERDK_SHORT,ERDZ_SHORT and ERDB_SHORT.

You can select documents based on the creation or last-changed date. Alldocuments that were created before this date and were no longer changedafter it are selected. Documents that have already been extracted arenot included.


CSV for SAP Import
The report generates a file with an extract from the selected documents.The file consists of several records. Every record is displayed in aline. These fields are separated by a semi colon. The amount field alsodisplays the currency in brackets.
The following record types are used:

  • EH - Extract header, one for each file

  • K - Print document header, one for each document

  • B - Connection data from the print document to the posting documents

  • Z - Print document lines

  • Data stored in this format can be imported into the FI-CA evaluationsystem (EERD_IMP).

    SAP Audit Format
    In the SAP Audit Format, the file contains the first eight lines of adata description. This format can be imported directly to IDEA. Anindividual file is generated for every exported table. The file namesare created using the record types described above.