Purpose You can use this report to maintain a factory calendar in a maintenanceplan with the scheduling indicator
- Time - based on key data or
- Time - factory calendar
Activities In the report you define the maintenance plans for which the factorycalendar should be maintained. You have to decide from which object the factory calendar should betaken:
- Set the parameter "strategy used in the plan", if the factory calendar
maintained in the strategy should be used in the maintenance plan (thisnaturally only works for strategy-based maintenance plans).
- fet the parameter "maintenance plant used in the plan", if the factory
calendar maintained in a maintainance plant (at maintenance item level)should be copied to the maintenance plan. If several items are bundledin one plan, then the maintenance plant of the first item is used.
- Enter a factory calendar of your choice in the field "or factory
calendar directly", if this should be copied to the maintenance plan. The valency of these options amongst each other is as follows: First, the program tries to determine the factory calendar using thestrategy ("strategy used in the plan" parameter is set). If this is notpossible, then the program tries to determine a factory calendar usingthe maintenance plant ("maintenance plant used in the plan" parameter).If this is not possible either, then the freely-definable factorycalendar (if it is maintained) is used in the maintenance plan .