Title Print Disconnection/Collection/Reconnection Orders Purpose Using the print report REPRDC00 and the form ISU_COMMON, you can printshop papers for disconnection, collection and reconnection orders forthe Utilities Industry> (IS-U) component.Prerequisites INCLUDE ISU_FORM_CUST OBJECT DOKU ID TX Features INCLUDE ISU_FORM_AUFT/MELD OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FORM_AUFTRAEGE_JOB/CONT OBJECT DOKU ID TX
- AFFHD - Dialog structure for production resource/tool in orders
IS-U data>
- EGER - Device
- EGPL - Device location
- ETYP - Device category data
- T472 - Lot data
- ENOTE - Notes for different objects
- EHAU - Connection object
- ETDZ - Register
- EEAG - Input/output groups
- EKOG - Command group
- EASTS - Billing data at register level
- EASTL - Billing data
- V_EANL - Installation
- TE422 - Meter reading unit
- TE420 - Portion
- EVBS - Premise
- EVER - Contract
- FKKVKP - Contract account
- EKUN - IS-U-specific business partner fields
- ADTEL - Communication data
- BCONT - Customer contact
- EADZ - Multiple-installation billing data: register