Title Purpose
Using the AOBJ transaction you will find the definition of theISU_PRDOCH archiving object and the related Customizing. Using the SARA transaction you will find archiving administration andthe related Customizing. Using the SARI transaction you will find the technical view of anarchive. Using the standard IS-U transaction SISU, you will find the accountingview of an archived print document. Integration Second step: Archiving the print document header data selected in thefirst step. Third step: Deleting the print document header data from the database onthe basis of the previously created archive. Use this report to reload data that has been archived and alreadydeleted. Note that you cannot reload individual budget billing plans.You have to reload the entire archiving run. This procedure should notnormally be used and should be limited to extreme problem cases (forexample, incorrect retention period in Customizing). This report allows you to read a print document header data archive andto display parts of the data in a list before the deletion program hasbeen executed. It displays the data in a technical view. Features The retention period is configured in You have the option of defining customer-specific checks for whether aprint document header can be archived or not in a subsequent analysisprocess. This allows you to make further restrictions. For moreinformation, see the documentation on the RESET N1 If you don't start the report in test mode, then the archive status ofall the selected print documents that remain after the analysis processis set to 4 (print document header can be archived). Starting the program |