SAP Program RELSETEBMASS - Activation of MR Results Estimated in Billing for Multiple Install.

Activation of Meter Reading Results Estimated in Billing forMultiple Installations

The Estimate Meter Reading Results in Billing function is notactive as actual meter reading results are expected. If, however, theactual meter reading results fail to appear within a fixed interval,you can use this report to activate the Estimate Meter ReadingResults in Billing function. Existing meter reading results remain.
Your company expects actual meter reading results every half year. Ifthese results are not entered, they are estimated in billing. Allexisting meter reading orders are deleted. If only one meter readingresult exists for an installation that has two registers, theEstimate Meter Reading Results in Billing function is notactivated and the installation is added to the exception list. Thesystem resumes processing for the next installation.


You use this report to activate the Estimate Meter Reading Resultsin Billing function. In the Est. in Bill. field, a value isentered for the billing orders that lie within the period that youdefined. Enter a date in the Reference Date field. The period iscalculated as follows:
Start of period = Reference date minus Interval (in days)minus Length of Search Period (in days)
End of period = Reference date minus Interval (in days)
All billing orders with a planned meter reading date within this periodare selected. As a result, the billing orders with a planned meterreading date within the interval are not taken into account.
In addition, the billing orders that have already been changed usingthe reports Activation of Meter Reading ResultsEstimated in Billing for Individual Installations (RELSETEB) orDeactivation of Meter Reading Results Estimated inBilling for Individual Installations (RELDELEB) are not taken intoaccount either.

The meter reading orders that belong to the billing order and do nothave any meter reading results are deleted. The billing order is giventhe status Billable. The report deletes the corresponding meterreading orders and changes the status of the billing order toBillable for the dynamic period control. The value 02(Billing estimates: value changed by mass report) is enteredautomatically in the Est. in Bill. field.
Enhancement of installation groups as of SAP Utilities 4.72.
If the Installation Group indicator is set, the system checkswhether or not the specified installation is allocated to aninstallation group. If it is, meter reading results that have alreadybeen entered but that deviate too much from the meter reading date ofthe main installation are converted to interim meter readings.

Reference Date = 12.01.2001
Interval = 15
Length of search period = 365 (This field has a default value of365. You can change this value.)
Search period = 365 days,,,, Interval = 15 days