SAP Program RELEABL1 - Meter Reading Order Output

This component enables you to:

  • Print meter reading documents

  • You can print meter reading orders, meter reading cover sheets, orcards for meter reading by the customer.
    • Download meter reading orders via raw data interface (RDI)

    • You can download meter reading orders to the spool in file or IDocform. Meter reading orders can be transferred to external entrysystems, such as MDE (Mobile Data Entry) devices and document readers,or they can be printed via external printing systems.
      Whether you download or print meter reading orders, the applicationform defines which data is to be printed. In this way, it is possibleto output all data in the system.
      You maintain application forms in the schedule record of the meterreading unit. If you wish to you use a different form for printing ordownloading, you can enter the form on the selection screen.
      When meter reading orders are printed, a corresponding cover sheet isprinted automatically (provided that you have specified a cover sheetin the schedule record of the meter reading unit). The Print MRcover sheet indicator is generally only used for reprinting a form.
      If you set the Output all MR orders indicator, all selectedmeter reading orders of the chosen form type are output, regardless ofthe scheduled meter reading category. In this way, if the MDE devicemalfunctions, you can also print orders that were scheduled for MDE.
      You can define an output device of type PLAIN (SAPScript RDI) fordownloading. You can define an sending and receiving system via spooladministration, for example

      If you do not set the Output all MR orders indicator, then theoutput type depends on settings in the schedule record of the meterreading unit. The order output date has different meanings depending onthe form type.

      • Printing meter reading orders and cover sheets

      • Meter reading category 01 (meter reading by the utility company) andMDE number is 0
        The order output date corresponds to the print date in the schedulerecord, which is defined by the interval between the order print dateand the meter reading date.
        • Printing cards for meter reading by the customer

        • Meter reading category 02 (meter reading by customer)
          The order output date corresponds to the date of meter reading by thecustomer in the schedule record. This date is defined by the intervalbetween the print date of the order for meter reading by the customerand the order creation date
          • Downloading to spool and IDoc

          • Meter reading category 01 (meter reading by utility company) and MDEother than 0
            The order output date corresponds to the download date in the schedulerecord. The order output date is defined by the download date of themeter reading orders and the date of meter reading.