Title Display meter reading result archive (RELARCH_READ_ARCHIVE_EABL) Purpose You can use this report (or the underlying transaction EARDISP06) todisplay the contents of an archive file in a summary list format. Integration
- Step one: Analyze the archivability of meter reading results (
- Step two: Archive the meter reading results (
- Step three: Delete meter reading results from database (
- Reload archived meter reading results (
RELARCH_REL_EABL>)Prerequisites Features Transacktion EARDISP06 Selection Standard_variants Output A list containing the following data fields: GERAET,,Device number ZWNUMMER,,Register number ADAT,,Meter reading date ATIM,,Meter reading time ABLART,,Meter reading type ABLSTAT,,Meter reading status ABLESEGRUND,,Meter reading reason ANLAGE,,Assigned installation Activities