Title Delete archived meter reading results (RELARCH_DEL_EABL) Purpose This report is the third step when archiving meter reading results. Itis the step for deleting the meter reading results from the database. Deletion program RELARCH_DEL_EABL, which deletes the archived data fromthe database tables, is provided for each archiving object. You canstart the report either immediately, during the archiving run, or later(separately), depending on the settings. When immediate deletion isactive, the corresponding deletion program is started immediately afterthe archiving file is closed (for example, maximum file size reached,write additional data to a new file, etc.). Processing is performed inparallel, which means the archiving run can continue without delay. Inthe process, the report reads the archiving file and deletes thecorresponding meter reading documents from the database. Integration
- Step one: Analyze the archivability of meter reading results (
- Step two: Archive the meter reading results (
- Reload archived meter reading results
- Display meter reading result archive (
RELARCH_READ_ARCHIVE_EABL>Prerequisites Features Selection Standard_variants Output Activities