SAP Program RELARCH_ARCH_EABL - Archive meter reading results

Archive meter reading results (RELARCH_ARCH_EABL)

This report is the second step when archiving meter reading results. Itis the actual process of archiving the meter reading results.
Archiving program RELARCH_ARCH_EABL generates an archiving file for anarchiving object, based on index EABLARCHIVE which was generated by theprior analysis program. First, the meter reading document number foreach EABLARCHIVE entry is read directly from the database. This meterreading document number, which identifies the register, is used todetermine the respective equipment number and register number. Thisunique key data is then used to determine all the meter reading resultsfor this device (EABL and EABLG) before and on the EABLARCHIVE meterreading date, which are written to the archive file. The entry is thendeleted from EABLARCHIVE.


  • Step one: Analyze the archivability of meter reading results (

    • Step three: Delete meter reading results from database (

      • Restore archived meter reading results

        • Display meter reading result archive (

