Purpose Prerequisites Selection
In the output options, you can specify which lists you want to display: Not paid Partially paid Fully paid Overpaid Reversals only paid (this means that unpaid reversed grid usage billswill not be displayed) Output The period (during which the posting took place in FI) The reference transaction (FKKSU means transfer posting to generalledger from FI-CA; BKPF means direct posting in FI; descriptions forothers are in DB table TTYP) The transaction currency. The FI-CA postings are categorized as bills (aggregated postings forservice provider), payments (distribution lot postings) and others. Anyquestionable summarized postings (if the reference transaction is otherthan FKKSU, or the FI amount differs from FI-CA total amount) arehighlighted in red. Reference to distribution lot item which clears the bill (if a gridusage bill is cleared by more than one distribution lot item, the string"************" is displayed) Sum of payment amounts (also taking reversals into account) Number of payments Number of reversals Bill not in selection (distribution lot item was in selection specifiedby fiscal year and posting date, but original grid usage bill was notselected because of its posting date) Posting status: -,,N - Grid usage bill not paid -,,P - Grid usage bill paid partially -,,F - Grid usage bill paid fully -,,O - Grid usage bill overpaid |