Title Program to Convert Restriction Data in the Incident/Accident Log Purpose You must run the program if you subsequently activate the use ofmultiple restrictions (environment parameter IAL_FLG_NEW_TIMEDATA_TAB). Based on the restriction data in the accident (from the tableCCIHT_IPEVA), the program creates new data records in the restrictiontable in Occupational Health (T7EHS00_SRV_LIM), which is now usedcentrally to store restrictions. If, in different incident/accident log entries for the same person,restrictions exist with the same start date, the program creates a newrestriction. If the existing restrictions have a different end date, thelatest end date is used. The new restriction is not assigned to anaccident but can be assigned subsequently. Note that if you use multiplerestrictions, one restriction can be assigned to one incident/accidentlog entry only. Features Note: The data conversion cannot be reversed. In addition, you should also run the programConversion for Absences(REHSI_X_MULT_ABS_DATA_UPD)>.Tables Affected