- Identifiers and their long texts
- Phrase items and their long texts
- User-defined texts and their long texts
Data is converted from the Microsoft code page format to the SAP (ISO)code page format used in the SAP system. The program selects only theset of data records limited by a language key. These are the languageswhose character sets in Microsoft code page format have differentdefinitions from the format used in the SAP system.Program flow
Input parameters are used to specify which data is to be converted. Theprogram selects the corresponding data records and converts thelanguage-dependent texts from Microsoft code page format to the formatused in the SAP system. After successful conversion, the modified datais written back to the database.
EH&S Native Language Support must be activated in Customizing.
The data to be converted must be present in the database in Microsoftcode page format. If this is not the case, this program must not beexecuted, otherwise data could be lost.
Multiple Execution
This program is generally executed only once. After successfulconversion, it will no longer be required in the system. A repeatexecution is only necessary if the conversion could not be executedsuccessfully with this program and the cause of the error had alreadybeen corrected.
Data Reproduction in Case of Error
It is recommended that you back up the data affected externally beforeyou execute this program. For this purpose, the legacy data conversionfor EH&S Native Language Support can use the program REHSBLS01. Thisprogram generates a transport request for all data to be converted.