SAP Program REE_DATEX_TASKS_REEXECUTE - Resend Data Exchange Tasks

You can use this function to resend data exchange tasks with the status'ERROR', without having to use the dialog for the EDATEXMON01transaction (monitoring of data exchange tasks).
The system executes the following steps automatically:
Copy old data exchange task
Indicate old data exchange task as 'Corrected'
Execute new data exchange task

This function uses the display function from the EDATEXMON01transaction.

The system only takes into account data exchange tasks whose dataexchange process is indicated as Executable Directly inCustomizing.


The following selection fields are available:
Data exchange process (required entry field)
External service provider
Reference period or due date period
Test mode

The program is executed in test mode as default. This means that all thedata exchange tasks in question are first selected and displayed in theEDATEXMON01 transaction. No changes are made in the database.
If you execute the program in production mode, you receive an error logonce the processing has finished. When you leave the log, all dataexchange tasks now containing errors are displayed in the EDATEXMON01transaction.