Purpose This report aggregates IDoc data. The aggregated IDoc> that isgenerated is sent to the market partner defined in the IDoc partneragreement. In the data exchange definition, you specify the service providers withwhom you want to exchange the aggregated data. IDocs to be aggregatedare determined regardless of the settings in the data exchangedefinition. You can schedule the report as a background job (once a month, forexample), or you can start it manually. INCLUDE ISU_DATEX_INTEGRATION OBJECT DOKU ID TX
You use this report to monitor incoming and outgoing aggreagted messages(IDocs).Prerequisites Aggregation is possible for IDocs of the following types:
- PEXR2002
For each IDoc of a specific type there is a maximum number of segments.If this number is reached as a result of aggregation, the systemautomatically generates another IDoc (for example, the upper limit forboth IDoc types is 99999 data records).Features In the data exchange definition, you can determine anIDoc sending type>. The sending type is used toidentify the data exchange tasks to be aggregated. First, the following data exchange definitions are selected:
- Data exchange definitions that lie within the specified data exchange
process areas, service provider areas, or third party service providerareas
- Data exchange definitions with an IDoc sending type in the data exchange
definition that is not initial or based on the sending type IDoc isaggregated> The following data exchange tasks are then selected:
- Data exchange tasks that lie within the selected period
- Data exchange tasks with a data exchange definition that was selected in
the first step This results in a list of all data exchange tasks that are to beaggregated. Aggregation is based on the following parameters:
- Data exchange process>
- Own service provider>
- Third party service provider