INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_EUFASS_RELOAD_PURPO OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_AOBJ_EUFASS OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_TRANSAKTIONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_EUFASS_INTEGRATION OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE ENFeatures RESET N1 When you reload archived and deleted data, the ARCH_AB and ARCH_BISfields in the profile allocation table (ELPASS) also change. They aremodified as follows: Every ELPASS entry from the archive is returned to the database. If the entry already exists on the database and the ELPASS from-datecorresponds to the ELPASS ARCH_AB date, the ARCH_AB and ARCH_BIS fieldsare each set to '00000000'. If the ELPASS ARCH_AB date does not correspond to the ELPASS from-date,and the ARCH_BIS is one day lower than ARCH_AB, the ARCH_AB field is setto '00000000'. The relevant changes are made to the database. IF no entries are found on the database and The ELPASS from-date corresponds to the ELPASS ARCH_AB date, the ARCH_ABand ARCH_TO fields are each set tp '00000000'. The ELPASS ARCH_AB date does not correspond to the ELPASS from-date,andARCH_BIS is one day lower that ARCH_AB, the ARCH_AB field is set to'00000000'. The relevant entries are reloaded on to the database. Note:> If the ARCH_AB field has an initial value of '00000000' and another dayhas to be deducted, the field is not changed.Selection When you start the report, you can make various settings on the initialscreen: INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_SELECTION_STANDARD OBJECT DOKU ID TX |